Couple of stories today in the Telegram regarding vandalism. One by Diane Williamson regarding rocks thrown at the University Park Lofts and the Holy Name rectory. The other regarding art stolen from Elm Park.
The first story is awful and criminal. People throwing rocks at buildings no only breaking windows, but could potentially injure someone inside not to mention the tone it portrays for the neighborhood. The second story, I could have written before the art was put in the park, if I had known it was left out all night.
Why are we leaving pieces of art worth $6,000 out all night unprotected in Elm Park. If you ask me I am surprised that more was not stolen. Insurance? I find it hard to believe that anyone would insure pieces of art left out unprotected all night in a public park.
I think the idea of Art on the Park is a great one, but we need to be realistic when putting things like this together.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Agreed 100%
Why not just leave a brief case of 100$ bills on a park bench overnight.
Wonder if someone was supposed to take it home at night & never followed through or had a senior moment and forgot? I am guessing maybe someone dropped the ball here and its not being reported b/c a volunteer fells badly about the situation.
As Carr would say.....file under Park N Tote.
I do feel bad for owners of the way or the other.
Also coincidentally, there's a piece today about recovered stolen art being returned by the courts to the rightful local owners....or was that yesterday........geesh I cant recall !!!!
I know insurance. There is no way in hell an insurance company would insure pieces of art left out all night unsecured unprotected in a public park. It is a claim waiting to happen.
Senor that you banging me on my blog about Joe Kennedy:>)????
It aint easy insuring a damn house in this urban city let alone unattended art:>)
I can't count how many items I have had stolen from my yard ovah the years in this break-ins, doors kicked in....seems to have been a huge mistake-anyone ever see the crowd that hangs there on the weekend?
I think what bugs me the most is the "we have to remember this stuff happens everywhere" comments..this stuff does not happen everywhere in the amount of instances that this stuff happens many in this city who have the same concern for art like they do for filling out a census survey -NONE!!
I have had a snowblower stolen off my pick-up truck. Never leave anything not locked down, it will be gone.
You are right stuff like this does not happen everywhere, but I could have guaranteed you that this would have happened here.
the destructive method of kicking in doors used to sicken around D4 and look at the doors....see how many have dents, cracks in them..
This shit does happen everywhere but not in the numbers it does here...yah I guess it does if we want to keep comparing ourselves to Lowell, Holyoke, Brockton, Lawrence & New Bedford - something common here!
What pisses me off is the reconciling this destruction & thievry with "it happens elsewhere"...instead of community outrage "that we need to get rid of this element"
Urban Environments are not longer just associated with crime, grime, poverty...blah,blah,blah!!
Mayor Kevin White had a vision for Boston in the late 60's and 70's....the urban core of Worcester needs more leaders with vision
I agree and a visions of more "affordable" housing is not going to get it done.
it was nice to see art in the park for once. they need to put big art installations in or make sure nthe small ones are better secured.
dave the mic
Now that I know some of the pieces of art are worth 6,000???
If you see Paulie and I tonight at Elm Park loading stuff into his van tonight, we are helping a friend move.
Thanks for the link. I would not have even known this piece was written today if not for your blog.
I called the Reverend this afternoon to reach out in a neighborly way since we are both in the same boat with the rock throwing. He informed me that the neighborhood had given him a "good lead" on a neighborhood youth and the name was passed on to the WPD and they were going to pay the kid a "visit" this afternoon.
I hope that they scare the heck out of the kid and his crew at the very least, but probably not!
Better yet, the kid has to pay for his spree or work it off cleaning the church, etc.
I always thought this kind of juvie justice would help eliminate pranks and acts of vandalism.....but Juvie court may see it differently
I can recall as kid sleeping out in the summer......well one night we slept out & we plasterd a few neighborhood caaahs with stolen tomatoes and rotten apples........whilst running in the street with only BVD's.......well the next week or so wasnt a pleasant one for us we had to wash off all the cars.......then there was Saturday afternoon confession........OUCH !!!!!!!.....................5 Hail Marys for 5 stolen tomatoes !!!!!
Now today I could claim I was high on all the Hires Rootbeer and Jacks Pink Sugared Popcorn that we had eaten that night..........and get off with slap on the wrist and a session with a shrink.....
I wouldn't be surprised to see Bill Randell and Paul Collyer in Elm Paaaahk late at night. Maybe their friend Tom Bonah will be there.
Great there goes that f'in tuba playin again next door. Woke me up from my drunkin stupah!!!!!
Chez Paulie
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