Sorry I keep mentioning this, but the one task force I was regarding the non-profits in the City of Worcester recommended a Buy Local campaign for the colleges. The final report, spearheaded by Rep Leary, detailed how Philadelphia had done the same thing and how the purchasing power in Philadelphia for non-profits was a ridiculous number something like 100 million?
Thought of that yesterday as I drove by Clark and noticed a painting crew on the iron fences with a 617 number. You see the Univercity Partnership was suppose to conduct local fairs for Worcester based contractors and vendors would have an opportunity to meet with all the purchasing agents of the various non-profits. This never happened, neither did local jobs fairs for Worcester residents to meet the people who do the hiring at the non-profits.
Think we may have even called the campaign "Buy Worcester." The Worcester UniverCity Partnership had so much potential, but the wrong person was hired to get the job done. I just checked the website for more information and this is what I found:
"By Mutual Agreement the Worcester UniverCity Partnership has been dissolved. Feel free to contact Armand Carriere, former Executive Director, for additional information. He can be reached at the following e-mail address:"
Lets assume someone did stumble onto this site, why would you list Mr Carriere, the guy who was fired for getting nothing done and the reason the Partnershi was shuttered, as a contact??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
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