The Tuesday City Council agenda says the Master Plan has been placed on the City and Airport website. Just checked and I do not see it?
Other then that the monthly Economic Report on the airport 1) reports the same exact thing it has for almost two years on IMG that they are working on stuff and 2) a reminder that the DOT grant extension to spend the remaining $300,000 expires September 10, 2008.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Does the master plan outline what ORH is going to do or what it should do?
Think of all the consultants out of work if we never needed another study, report, or plan done if ORH get off the ground. Maybe ORH has been a job producing entity all along.
Rainy day sitting here working and I have to look through the Yellow pages fro some info.
I Was flippping through teh very beginning of yellow pages and I couldnt help but notice there is a map of Logan Airport, but no map of Worc airport in the Yellow pages.
Maybe Worc Airport is so small and simple to negotiate that nomap is needed......
Maybe the Master plan will adddress this littel omission....if hell doesnt freeeze over 1st.
The Master Plan has been posted on the City of Worcester Website.
Here are thr links:
Executive Summary
Technical Report
Land Use Analysis
Happy Reading.....
Thanks Steve for the update.
Read the plan...nothing new here .
All I can see is investing more money for a promise of a profitable future for the airport.
3.7 million for fuel farm (how old is it?), new maintenance building (why---sounds like they let the old ones go to hell).
1300 acres of land...sell it and pay of the debts.
Anonymous said...
"Read the plan...nothing new here .
All I can see is investing more money"
Not only is there nothing new here, they have specifically included obsolete information. They use 26,000 passengers, instead of mentioning that the number is now zero. They include Amity in the tenant interviews, excluding the fact that Amity has now left ORH.
The date on the report says March 2008. Where has it been for the past four months?
Maybe they should start on the next one.
Found the tenant interview in the appendices section pages 59 thru 80.
Seems like alot of conflicts of interests.
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