- Off the top of my head 86 Winter and Castelano's are for sale
- 55 Pearl Street is most definately closed as well as the Jewel Box
- there is no construction going on next to the Hanover.
- El Forno has closed
- Crown Plaza has closed
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Smokestack Urban Barbecue is opening in Castellana’s space
Another restaurant will be taking the Castellana's spot:
Glad to hear another restaurant is moving. My point is that I am not sure it is fair to have these unsusidized restaurants competing against this subsidixed restaurant.
More importantly do we want tax payers money going to help start a new restaurant, where private unsubsidized restaurants are already struggling.
With City Park Grill open there is a decent crowd in there most of the time.
I don't think you can judge on a couple of restaurants that did not make it, when Worcester has a pretty high per capita of eating establishments. The Jewel Box never was busy, I had been there plenty of times and never but a handful of patrons.
I agree with you... bad enough contactors competing with the CDC's on houses... now business trying to survive... the city helps a new business while they watch existing businesses close?? In the end we the tax payers are helping new but squashing old.
Did you catch the city puttings a $175,000.00 awning on Union Station for that restaurant...
Did the city also subsidize the new restaurant (or bar) that opened in Unoin station last fall?
Should the city be subsidizing millions of dollars for the likes of the Hand it Over Theatre. NO.
The list of city subsidies to private business is almost endless.
How about this...should the city be subsidizing weekly garbage pick up or fire protection or skating rinks or pools?
Absolutely not. Let the citizens purchase these services from the private sector.
I mean just think of all the businesses that the city is involved with and then ask yourself if these services really s/b public "utilities" , (for lack of a better term) or should they be performed by the private sector. No one can be involved in so many diverse services 9businesses) and perform them efficiently and/or effectively.
I hit send too fast.
Also it is a violation of the city Nuisance ordinance to cause standing water to be created on your property. Only thing is that the city of Worc. is exempt from their own ordinance. This would be a great question to ask of the councilors at their next Q&A forum......i.e. why is the city expemted from so many of the ordinances that they put forth. I would even ask it except I am beyond the point of expcting any kind of rational behavior from the council.
It's the thing that most restaurants, bars, shops, galleries and the like don't get about Worcester. You can't play by regular city rules.
Main South and Highland/Elm are the only places in the city I can think of where there is a dense concentration of a specific demographic.
Also, there is no tourism.
Also, the people that work here want to get the f out of dodge when that whistle blows.
What this means is that close to 100% of any given demographic is going to have to go out of their way to frequent your establishment.
You had better be head and shoulders, above and beyond amazing if you want to succeed.
So to answer your question Bill, no, the city shouldn't be in the restaurant business. They should be in the position neighborhoods to be a more fertile ground for restaurants to grow business. This as we know is a business they suck at.
dont think the city wants to be in the restaurant business. They do need tenants however if they ever hope to sell longterm leases on assets like garages for a defined revenue stream
Good point. All I am saying is that in the future the parking garages should just have parking to help the area around it, not commercial spaces to compete against private busineses around the garages.
One problem that I see with with being in the restaurant bizz in Worcester this time of year, is that takes an act of God to set up an outside dining venue in Worcester. Nothing like a brew and/or a meal outside when the weather permits.
I agree with T-T that any parking garage that is going to be leased long term would need reasons for people to come to Downtown Worc in the first place.
In the alternate, rather than leasing the entire garage, the city should just farm out the manangement of the parking garages.
How would like to be a pushcart vendor who is only allowed to park in one place for what.......15 minutes? I do not get downtown too often. Do we still have any pushcart vendors....any idea how many??
I am sitting here asking myself..........if wanted to open a restaurant in Worc. should I not feel entiltled to public subsidies to get started. I mean just look at what the city gave to the Hanover It Over Theatre. Whats good for The Hand It Over Theatre (lotsa public subsidies) is surely good for the restaurant trade.
Anyne know anything about the restaURANR THAt was to open at Green hill clubhouse? Did it open last year. How did they fare?
Bill how about that restaurant at the airport. Did one close and they were going to RFP another one?
SignMan.....a $175,000 awning for a private restaurant?..................surelyyou jest?... i have to get into the awning business....must be sky high workmens comp. rates in that racket?
Word verification: SCHEF
30 dogs available for adoption at Animal rescue league
a. 21 are bit pulls
b. 2 are Dobbies/Rotties
c. 7 are what I would call
adoptable breeds.
As I said before, the population at the dog shelter truly reflects the demographics of Worc when it comes to irresponsible pet ownership.
Ptibulls have been the preponderance of what they have available there for at least 7 months now.
The shelter is stuck between their no kill policy and having to act as a shelter for pitbulls. I kinda feel bad for the place.
I really wanna get my dog from the Worc Shelter, but it isnt looking good.
awning bid cancelled
go to worcesterMA.gov, on the left side click on Bids-purchasing, last item ounder doing business, the click on "closed Bids"
the walkable city movement led by Allen fletcher, architect Alex P?, Tim Murray and others encouraged thses mixed used garages with retail on the street level
86 Winter is hit or miss but to their credit have been open for a quite awhile. Castellana's flat out sucked. Il Forno sucked AND was in a tough location. The Jewel Box was a big mistake, and the food ranged from horrible to decent. Someone has already scooped up that location for a new sports bar. A place like The Abbey is packed every day and every night. My point is that if you do something special, and you do something right, then you will succeed. If you feed us dogshit then you will fail. This is simple....its not about the market or economy, its about the quality.
manager of bbq joint at Castellana's told me he expects big business when he opens his doors, also another entity will try to operate a gay bar out of the former night spot "canal"
Castellana's hosted a bbg joint in the complex a few summers ago and it never took off despite the endorsement of sherrif Guy Glodis. Would be interesting if the new bbq place reviewed the sales or performance of the last bbq joint in the same building
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