May 18, 2010

Worcester No-Lo Tour Stop 2

Let me set the record straight for the 10,000th time!  The CDC's have a vital role to play in the advancement of the City of Worcester and have done some very good work.   Right now, however, there is a complete over reliance on the CDC's, which has alienated much private investment as the RKG study warned 5 years ago.  

As the Worcester No-Lo tour continues, what I ask for is simple?:
  1. Future projects by the CDC's need to emphasize home ownership in order to stabilize our neighborhoods! Building rental projects, because those are the only monies available cannot longer be accepted?
  2. Rental projects, when built, need to be limited to no more then 15% low to mod income.  These latest projects that are either at, or close to 100%, low-mod only hurt our city never mind develop.
  3. Any projects that receives, for example $100,000 or more from the City of Worcester, need to use the purchasing department of the City of Worcester to reign in their costs.   Costs from $250,000 to $300,000 per unit are a waste of the tax-payers money.
  4. Put a cap on development fees to more then 5% of the project.
  5. Opening the whole process to include private developers.
  6. No longer should the CDC's be the "preferred" developers.  There is not one valid reason anyone can give me?
The CDC's success should be measured by their ability to attract private monies into an area, to the point where we do not need them anymore.    In other words a CDC closing down, because of private investment should be the goal of any CDC and  sign of their success.    Instead the goal of many CDC's is to accumulate as many properties as possible, land bank and treat the private developer as the enemy not their ally as evidenced by this Worcester No-Lo Tour.      


Jim May said...

Would the City Housing dept consider for NSP (Neighborhood Stabilization Funds) that, on a given 3 decker, if costs to bring it up to Code + factor in "rentability ie neighborhood" is less than it is worth then we should consider tearing it down? Otherwise we have firetraps, delapidated neighborhoods, drugs, etc.

Jahn said...

It appears I stand corrected re todays Oak Hill tour. Jeremy reports that it will be a walking tour and only one Obrien will be present, Joe?.

Mc Govern, Gemme, Moylan and others, too? Why Gemme if this a tour of "development"? Last I knew he was chief of police? Why Moylan, last i knew he was DPW commissionser? Gemmes subordinates probably "tour" that area hourly and Moylans guys probably daily or on as needed basis? Moylan already knows which sidewalks and streets are in carpet bombed condition.

This a waste of Worc's chieftans time and energy. One the other hand i guess if the mayor asks you to aint got much choice?

This so called tour seems to be about more than just dev'ment?