JetBlue said Tuesday it is starting a rapid summer expansion of flights from Boston's Logan Airport, part of its plan to bump up its departures there by 30 percent.
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Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Ohhhhhhh good! Since Massport will be taking over ORH, they can have JetBlue start by adding flights from there!
Harry T
Sooooooooo next summer (2011) JB will be flying connecting flights to Logan or elsewhere?
Just when will MP's plans for ORH be made public?
Would connecting fligths cannabalize Worc's chances at getting more large comm. jet service to distant locations once MP takes over?
Should I being seeing signs along 190 & 290 in the not too distant future advertising the flights that MP will be bringing to Worc Airport and/or radio spots touting MP takeover and eventual renaissance of ORH?
How does a dozen large commercail jets per day (for example) at ORH fit Worc's new "Green Image" Noise pollution? Emissions? Dead birds. More cross town motor vehicle trips. Tatnuck Sq tied up 24/7?
Do we really have to drive up the cost of New constrintion in Worc just to Obtain a $1M "Green grant" I read the other day that there is no defintion of what a green job is so in theory If I decide to build a float for next St Pats day parade, I guess I have created a green job?
For 101st time, please do not forget that MP has eminent domain powers. Dittos for CSX.
I am from Missouri as re: Worc Airports future.
So I crosssed the entire length of The Common on Monday. Looked so nice and serene. Loaded with lotsa normal people. Beautiful spring day (85 degrees?) Then I get to within 100 feet of city hall and and I see "IT"....right at the rear dooorway.......two nice benches....teh one on my left occupied by one definite 100% hobo and another person sitting next to him who is quite possibly also a hobo. The other bench to my right is occupied by 3 women.....all appear to be "city hall types" of the women has an absolute look of disgustedness on her face..can ya blame her. Too bad we cannot treat hobos on the Common the same we treat illegally parked cars a couple of blocks away.
So I pay my wait.....hey way to go Mr tax collector .......kudos and an ATTA BOY !!!!!!!
I exit the rear door and look down on the surface of the new rink. It had rained the day before. Once agian I will say it. Who signed off on the construction of that concrete surface? 17 puddles of standing water anywhere from 2 feet to 7 or 8 feet in diameter. That water puddles up and when it is cold it eventually works it way under the surface and freezes....viola.....the concrete surface cracks
Charter 3 Worcester News last night had a piece stating Massport new campaign promoting Worcester as a travel destination to cities in Florida and Myrtle Beach. Andy Davis stating it was kind of a reverse marketing since we already fly to those destinations.
Also heard on WTAG this am on Jim Polito show he flew out of the airport (some function last night?)Big kudos to the charter service who gave him a free ride. Checked the Airport minutes for March 2010 and there is supposed to be an event Taste of Worcester" on 5/6/10 Thursday highligting the facilities at Worcester Airport (maybe it was moved to Tuesday May 5th and that's the event Jim Polito attended? Didn't see anything on the event in this am's T&G.
Update for the day
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