The Mayor’s Work Group on Job Growth and Retention invites Worcester businesses and the community at large to attend a public hearing to share their input on how The City of Worcester Can support existing businesses and recruit new businesses to locate here.
Date: Wednesday, May 26th 6-8pm
Location: City Hall – Levi Lincoln Room
Contact: Isabel Gonzalez-Webster – 508-799-1153
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
I have to laugh. I wonder if the 144 teachers about to be laid off will show up?
Another dawg and Pony show.
Who will the ringleaders be?
Joe O Brien????, a person who has proably never worked a real job in his life and has never meta new tax that he didnt embrace?
How about we leave old factory buildings empty for furture job growth sites vs. NO LO'ing the places?
Hey Bill, I drove by K&M the other day. Either they are significanly downsized or are closing up?? What's word on Cantb St re: this long established Worc co?
Lip service?
Id' like to have a complete & detailed re-cap of this meeting.
Dont we have an office econ. dev'ment?
Dont we have an Office of Neighborhood dev'ment?
Dont we have a chamber of commerce?
Dont we have SCORE?
Dont we have the MLK entrepenuerial incubator?
What we dont have is property tax parity for businesses.
Unfortunately Mayor Obrien is not the person to grow or retain Worc business. I will give him kudos for trying to retain Worc business as it seems new business always gets the red carpet in Worc while existing business gets teh shaft (dual property tax rate)...........but bottom line this will be just another Kool Aid & Purple Nike session and there will be zero follow up after the meeting.
Sooooooooooo how's that audit of Neighborhood Services faring? Nick??
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