Jahn you got to read this
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Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill, if your blog is called "Worcester Blog" why then are you posting things that have nothing to do with Worcester?
TY, Bill. (Some might say you shouldnt be feeding the bubbas red meat :) ). I recall hearing about this RI community in the past, but of course it isnt reaaly on my radar screen. Seems a yr or 2 ago they had teacher labor problems.
I am not trashing anyone or their calling in life, but just b/c you're one of the so called "big 3" or any govt worker for that matter you are no more important to the labor market (or to life in general) than the automotive engineers who design the life saving features into your car or the cross country truckers that bring your lettuce to Whole Foods or the unsung soldiers serving 3-4 tours of duty in the mid east. PLease get over yourselves.
Frankly w/o food or nat'l defense, keeping the bad guys off the street or dousing fires or teaching kids all become irrelevant aND SECONDARY at best.
We need to cut 1/4 to 1/3 of all govt employesss and then of thsoe that remain their TOTAL COMP. package s/b cut 1/4 to 1/3 which will get compensation back in line with similar jobs in the private sector.
All the great democracies have failed and one of the reasons is gov't workers who can vote themselves money from the public treasury.
Mnay will cry foul to this statement, but if the bulk of your lifes work experinece is on a gov't payroll or on a payroll that feeds off the gov't teet, then I suggest you have alot to learn about how employee compensation works in the real world.
And to those who say take more from the rich well if, for example,the CEO of AT&T makes $15M a year and AT&T has 10,000 employees....if we paid the CEO nothing and split up his $15M to the 10,000 otehr employees thats $1,500 per yr add'l to the 10,000 employees.....$30 a week. Does anyone really think $30/week is going to change anything in their life? PLUS PLUS.......the CEO pays about 40% in fed'l taxes on his $15M and the add'l $1,500 per yr to the 10,000 employees will be taxed on average at about 18-19%.....so for those of you from Somerville that means that Washington DC will realize 1/2 the fed'l income taxes if we divvy up the $15M 10,000 different ways....vs.....leaving it with the CEO. Soooooo whos going to make that up.......well only ones left standing to pay taxes are the middle class 18-19% taxpayers. AInt it intersting how somehtings can come back & bite ya in gluteous maximus?
Next up Little Rhodie looks at Bankruptcy??? BTW, I have heard there is no bankruptcy law for states going belly up?
Yes this is a "Worcester Blog" but as we all know, our lives are impacted by the world around us which nowadays is the global community.
Central Falls, RI has long had a spending problem to go along with the loss of their manufacturing base and the city's middle class has long ago fled the city. Sound familiar?
Sorry for jumping in and responding Bill but anonymous comments like this, gets me a little "hot under the collar".
And I would rather see a link to a story about Central Falls which is relevant to every city in America than what most of the media is talking about today, which is Amanda Knox.
Long ago, the late Jack Cole at channel 4 went to a commercial break with an adlib comment, "we'll be back with more alleged news in a minute." Unfortunately, most of our country’s citizen’s would rather hear stories about Amanda Knox and the latest goings on with Kim Kardashian than hard news like the struggling cities in the U.S.
Typical Woo nitwit....nothing outside its boundries should effect it.....how about a article on the massive brain drain the city is experiencing....maybr that will.open up your newest nitwits eyes....
Who would have ever thought countries like Iceland, Greece and Ireland would basically go bankrupt..
Now we city Central Falls in bankruptcy.. If our commercial tax base keeps getting drained and our pension/healthcare obligation gap keeps increasing, we may be Central Falls in ten years.
This just goes to show how important it was to that all the city retirees need to have Medicare as their primary coverage..
Gentlemen, I think it s/b mentioned that 99.9% of all muncipalities and states are technically bankrupt, the bankruptcy is 75% caused by future unfunded obligations to retired or soon to be retired govt employeees and the sad part about it is the politicians continue to kick the can down the road. Next yr s/b interestng when all the Obama fed'l money has dried up.
Also an aside, but what is going on over in the assessors office? A year ago it was computer issues caused by a new software system, ....mmm OK it happens.....so they claimed that by mid june everything would be reviewed manually and corrected....it's now October and its looking like taxpayers in Worc will be pulling thier hair out and getting taxed, tricked, and treated when the 4th Q'ter real estate tax bill arrives next April.
Levy was yappin about this a few hours ago and I have to say this is one time I agree with him.
I am wondering if maybe a new sheriff rode into town awhile back and either had his own plans and/or was instructed to raise more revenue via real estate taxes. The city will get it s add'l revenue after which the messenger will be blamed & run outta town ????
Obrien was bobbin' & weaving on the radio the other morning on this very issue.
This was long overdue in the city of Worcester. I'm not surprised the state kicked back the revaluations. When my wife and I were looking to buy a house in the city, there was no rhyme or reason to the property valuations. There were big disparities not only between neighborhoods in the same parts of the city but in quite a few cases even on the same streets with similar houses and sq. feet.
While we were looking I often wondered how they ever arrived at some of these valuations. Now that the state has mandated that all 48,000 parcels be physically looked at, maybe there will be the equity that was missing in the past. If this brings more revenue to the city coffers, as a taxpayer, I would be asking my elected officials why they waited so long.
I think Davis Z. is just another talking head. Reads the T&G and think she's informed.
Middle class leaving, that's quite a mouthful - but the population has grown and the city's median income has also grown. Running away? Don't think so.
If people would pull their noses out of the biased WRRB reports and the comical T&G, they just might see that the city still has a strong pulse. Business incorporations are up - 8%. I don't think the rates are scaring them.
As a comparison to Central Falls. I don't see any. Their debt, pensions and revenues structures are entirely different than the city's.They were in a predicament 10 years ago. Not Worcester.
You guys just like to read yourselves, thinking you know it all talk here. No real insight here. Just a rehash of previous comments.
So Now the brain trust at city hall is going to guarantee 90% of a $1M loan so a manufacturer of baseball gloves in Worc that is only 1 yr old can expand and allegedly add 35 new jobs.
WTF !!!!!!!!!!! WTF !!!!!!!
Not to worry though it is all guaranteed by 2nd mortgages on equipment, rec'ables, inventory, a realty trust, etc. all of which are clealry already mortgaged to the max with 1st mortgages.
Folks if the banks wont lend them the money why should the taxpayers of WOrc have to act as loan guarantors. I mean the entire 1 year old venture looks to be WAY TOO leveraged. Makes me kinda wonder if the principals have any leather in this game. Plus they're competing with overseas textile operations and their $.50 per hour wages?????????.
Y'all think the likes of a Warren Buffet would buy into this kid of deal...........i doubt it but if he did he'd want at least 51% of the ownership equity.
Just curious ... is 60 Fremont St the former site of temporary lye-berry? Now I know why they call if Freemont St?
File Under: Tan me hide when I die Clyde
David, I too have had comparative assessment issues in the past.
Sometimes there are reasons for the apparent discrepancies.
My understanding is that when A house is sold it may get a new assessment based on the selling price and if my house hasnt sold in decades and it is similar to teh newly sold house mine may very well be relatively underassessed.
Also, I think the city reassess every property every 5 yrs. So if during that 5 yr period the market prices change drastically in either direction and my house was asssessed in say 2006 (market top) and now another simlir house is re assessed in 2100 ( 5 yrs later) obviously there will be differences
The above said, I think the assessor will also make adjustments up and down w/o an actual on site assessment or a sale just based on market trends.
Agian these are things I have heard or read over the years and aint no assessor nor appraisor.
Yikes Word verf. "the rate"
Anonymous said:
"You guys just like to read yourselves, thinking you know it all talk here. No real insight here. Just a rehash of previous comments."
But you continue to read this blog and still hide behind anonymous postings.
And if you have any history of reading this blog, I am probably the single most bullish person posting comments about Worcester!
Worcester has a lot happening:
Citysquare: Unum, cancer center, rumored hotel and rumored residential component.
Gateway: New building under construction.
MCPHS: New building under construction. The college population will increase bringing more people downtown during the day.
WRTA: Building a hub by Union Station.
Just be happy that anything is happening in this city.
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