Newspaper Today:
Leasehold Interest
12 acres-41,000 SF Building
The leasehold interest is for an City of Worcester asset (land) that the Airport Commissioners renewed last year for $12 per year with the Kennedy Family Trust for 20 years, despite the fact the there were various violations of the current lease including subletting, not being current with taxes currently over 190,00 and a bankruptcy.
Does anyone care?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Where's the City Law Dept? There's No way this didnt come to their attention when renewing the lease. IT HAD TO and if it didnt someone should get their walking papers?
Someone (MOB or council or development office) would have had to sign off on this?
The more I think about Charley Farley, the more convinced I am that his "ABUSED TAXPAYER" alias is right on the money.
Let's make a list of just the items that have been mentioned on just this forum that just toss Taxpayers's money down a rathole
The City never should have renewed the lease last year. Let ask you this if you or I had a twenty year lease that expired and when the option came up for another twenty years with an annual payment of $12 per year, do you think the City would have renewed the lease with Bill or Jahn with existing current violations???
Just another sweetheart deal in the City of Worcester.
Right now someone is going to be able to lease this property for 12 per year for the next 19 years and be able to renew it again for 20 years at the same cost $12 per year.
Last year the City had "cause" not to renew the lease when there were clear violations---subletting of the property, real estate taxes outstanding and the bankruptcy clause needs to be investigated.
Wonder what the current market value would be??? Any way you look at it, more lost revenues.
I did not read the Sunday T&G until 900 pm last night......but immediately the fur on my back went up and I almost fell out of my recliner when I read Mr Nemeth's editorial which dealt with financial issues facing the state & municipalities.
Oddly enough, there was no mention of the airport financial sink hole, of which he was commission chairman for how many years?.
He makes many good points about gov't money issues and I think I probably agreed with most all of those he mentioned...........yet his last line talks of ..."Worc, plagued by a severe budget crunch, skyrocketing property taxes, and a crumbling infrastructure"................yet as former chairman of the airport commission has Mr nemeth done anything about items such as airport infrastructure, cutting airport expenses, increasing airport revenues, or selling the airport to a private enterprise, which enterprise would generate at least $500,000 in new property tax revenues? No!
The airport may be in Mr Spellane's district, but surely we do not need to continually operate it using his so called bookkeeping principles.
Amazing how Current Board Member and Past Chairman Nemeth fails to mention the increasing airport deficits while on his watch.
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