The minutes have been getting a little better. I would think monthly meetings should automatically contain monthly flights in and out of ORH, passengers (right now 0), budgets numbers, etc.
As far as on-going negotiations (MassPort and airlines), they should be discussed during the meeting but under an Executive Session, where minutes are kept. Once the issue for the Executive Session has been completed, the minutes for the Executive Session should be released to the public.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Negotiations Last Time. See previous BLOG section entitled Two airline packages. Double Standard Bill !!!
Tom let it go. Youre behaving a second grade school yard brat. Time to take your ball and go home.
I do not know how many times I have said so this will be the last time...
1) I asked for the airline packages.
2) Now that I have had some time to think about it, I do not want to compromise any pending negotiations. As a result I will not publish them if there are negotiations on-going.
If nothing else this shows how the airport has not been conducting business properly. These packages that I have requested really should have been included in an Executive Session and my request would have been denied.
Since the Airport Board never goes into Executive Session, they can not now claim Executive Session privileges so they need to release them to me. Tom, if you disagree that is fine, you can simply make a public records request yourself.
Hey anonymous. you should read the book too I guess. (Evidently you are not the same anonymous as before.) Bill is getting information that he is not passing out to others. How is that not doing as people on this BLOG have charged the city for doing. After he gets the information, he is going to hide what he claims the city is hiding!!!!!!
Where is it written that Bill or I or you have to pass out any info to anyone?
The city has been allegedly accused of not following the open meeting/sunshine laws and maybe others as well? The accusation against the city is that they have violated codified laws and regulations.
Please give the blog a cite for your position that anyone here is required to disclose anything.
Bill isnt claiming he's going to hide it , which by the way, he has every right to hide. He's claiming that he's going to possibly defer posting it on this website, depending on the content of it and the timeline for issues discussed in it.
Now please go back to the airport and at least pretend to be earning your keep and stop busting chops. Christ Almighty !
He says the city hides it, now he is going to do the same when he gets it. And you are ok with that?
The city won't give Bill the packages because he didn't ask the right person, and everyone will say they don't know who the right person is.
If Bill gets the info, he won't do anything with it anyway.
The city will do whatever it pleases anyway (remember the free parking)
What is the point of this blog if it's just another mouthpiece for the city's agenda?
This is beyond ridiculous now. Tom, do us all a favor make your own public records request, get the information and do what you want.
The point of this blog is first and foremost promote and foster a successful ORH. If posting these packages would somehow jeopardize pending negotiations, I will not post them here.
In the end you are missing the whole point that this has caused.
If the status of any airline or MassPort negotiations are 1) not in the minutes of the monthly board minutes, which they should not be, and 2) there are no Executive Sessions , how are the Airport Commissioners being kept abreast of the any negotiations???
The End.
If you listen to the City Manager,the City Council and thus (I would guess) the Commissioners are not part of the negotiations on anything. Maybe that's why there are no exec sessions.Maybe they don't know. Maybe that is not their role?
Too bad you're getting frustrated. No room here for an alternative view?
You're on the wrong path if you are going to keep from anyone reading this BLOG information that you have been complaining you could not get and now you are going to keep it yourself when you do get it.
I can see you are not going to accept the truth.
The end as well.
Ok, I will say this again, LET IT GOOOOOOOO!!!! Tom, Bill asked for the package and he got it. Now why don't you do the same thing he did and get one for yourself. It isn't like he is keeping some sort of secret the world revolves around. The important thing is here that we ARE talking to two airlines. That is all I care about. Yes, I would like to know, but if we don't get the airlines, who cares? If we do, I think we will know who we talked to.
The ironic thing about all of this is that I do not even have the packages yet. If there are no negotiations pending, I will post.
I was just trying to let everyone know in advance what I was thinking trying to be as up front as possible. Dave, you are right lets move on.
Getting the finished contract back from MassPort over the next three months is priority 1.
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