Did anyone see the City Manager on Channel 46 News last night?? He was on talking about "privatizing" the airport. This process should have start July 1st, 2004, the day we signed the current 3 year extension with MassPort when a large portion of the losses were being picked up by MassPort.
I am not being a Monday morning quarterback on this either. We have been talking about this since 2004 , brought this to the attention of then Chairman Nemeth and even presented this suggestion to the airport board last February, 2005--check the minutes. We should have had a RFP for the entire airport marketed the past three years looking for a National Express (Stewart), Spanish Company (Milwaukee) or maybe one of the nearby airport authorities (Providence, Manchester, Hartford) looking at us.
Now,when the airport is costing the tax payers $5,000 per day and the current agreement ends in less then 4 months is a little too late. There is only one person that we are talking with and that is MassPort. Stay tuned for a long-term lease at a nominal price with options to renew with MassPort.
For the life of me I do not understand that , if this is what is going to happen, lets get it done now and start saving $5,000 per day?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
who CARES ABOUT $5,000 a day...it's is chump change compared to the city's sick pay sink hole..............using 365 days to a year............i figure it's only costing the taxpayers $17,000 a day and I used conservative assumptions...........if one uses 260 working days in a year it's really costing the taxpayer somewhere north of $27,000 per day...........or ........ $6.5 million annually
The sense of entitlement is awe inspiring............try pulling that sick days BS in any private sector job and your derrirre would be booted out the front door in less than 6 months...
and everyone knows ( wink, wink)how sick you can get from working for the city....... and how that sickness is pervasive on Mondays and fridays.........
and no counclloor will touch the issue......their reason............it's the City Mnagers issue......ya right !!!!!
we get in a 20M$ hole and the mantra is cut services ( employees)............NOTHING ABOUT CUTTING EXPENSES........ btw $20M IS ONLY 4% of a $500M city budget..........
will Worc folllow in teh shoes of NYC, Chelsea, Spgfld and the like?
What really bothers me about this 21 million operating deficit is the timing. Maybe this is something we should have known when voting on the various pay raises two months ago?
I recently bought a condo about one mile from ORH. Your blog has beeen interesting and informative to me as of late.
Wondering your thoughts on the wind farm idea for ORHthat I saw floated today by Sustainable Worcester.
Sustainable Worcester?
There are some 1300 plus acres at ORH. I would think that there is enough room for many things incluing an airport and a wind farm.
What about a casino on a couple of those 1,300 acres?
at this point I would be open to anything.
I may be on the Cape this weekend. Shall I stop and see the Wampanoags In Mashpee. May be we can have the Wampanoag casino territory extended beyond New Bedford. Watch it end up being built at NB airport !
4rilla looks like he doesn't have a pot to whizz in let alone own a condo. Beware, looks like an insider flunkie of the airport.
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