Once again we have an editorial letting us know what direction the negotiations are going with MassPort. We all know that this is a done deal and MassPort will have control of ORH long-term, but I had always been guessing a long-term lease at a nominal amount with options to renew. Now, I read "some other arrangement", other then a long-term lease??
The only other arrangement is an outright sale. In other words the final agreement with MassPort may an outright sale. In addition I particularly like the fact the Editorial board has decided that MassPort is the only "logical choice". MassPort may definately in fact be the most "logical choice", but why would we not test the market??
In closing the Editorial Board is telling us to sell ORH to MassPort, before any agreements have been even seen by anyone.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Hopefully by this time next year we'll have some airlines , increased employment opportunities for Worcester citizens,and economic growth for both businesses at and outside of the airport.
I would agree but we still need a 10,000 passengers this year. Maybe there is a shuttle to a hub planned for the second half 2006.
I truly believe that when MassPort takes over we will have a successful airport and am looking forward to it. My only concern is that we get a fair deal.
Just do not see how we will, however, when we have only gone to one potential buyer and our editorial board (which is influenced by a part Airport Chair and current Airport member) lays out all the cards on the table like this during the middle of a negotiaion.
What's all this I read in the T&G about selling city assets to cover fiscal shortfalls and the largest, most valuable city asset isnt even mentioned as a possible sale candidate............and the citizens wonder why we're technically bankrput down there at 01608. We're bankrupt b/c we do not know how to run a city nor govern ourselves.
Declare bankruptcy now, and have all City labor contracts voided. We are techniically bankrupt once the actuaries add the city's pension & health ins. obligations to their obligations. Just ask the city's CFO.
1. Privatize the fire dept,
2. Privatize the library,
3. Privatize the trash collection (or make em work 8+ hrs a day, just as the Waste Management haulers do, and not 4 1/2hrs.
4. Let secretaries and not uniformed personnel do the paperwork at police headquarters,
5. Privatize school custodial services and hire Edu-Clean to clean the schools.( Follow Springfield's example b 4 we become another Sprfld).
6. Limit sick/personal days to 3 per year.
7. No more low income housing regardless of how much money Washington sends us for it. It's a bad investment.
8. Rescind the $190,000 fees waiver and $1,000,000+ grant that was given to the Bijou Deja Vu.
9. Privatize all inspectional services.
10. Have Guy Goldis, Inc. repair and maintain all sidewalks and let the Tornadoes clean up their own staduim.
There was an emergency landing of an Allegiant flight from Portsmith NH. Its front landing gear didn't come down but it made a safe landing in Orlando.
Plane Lands Without Nose Landing Gear
Thursday March 29, 5:32 pm ET
Aircraft With Malfunctioning Nose Gear Touches Down Safely at Orlando's Airport
SANFORD, Fla. (AP) -- A plane with malfunctioning nose landing gear touched down safely at Orlando Sanford International Airport Thursday, officials said.
None of the 157 passengers on board the Allegiant Air flight from Portsmouth, N.H. were injured, Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said.
Passengers and crew evacuated the aircraft by slides. A woman sprained her ankle, but refused treatment, airport authorities said.
"The crew reported a hydraulics problem related to the nose gear," Bergen said.
No other details were immediately available.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Video of Allegiant flight.
Harry Tembenis
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