On March 11th, I requested the two packages mentioned numerous times in City Council Minutes prepared by IMG, along with the help of the City of Worcester and MassPort, to sell an airline of ORH. In addition I requested all reports filed with the DOT (Department of Transportation) regarding the monies spent by the airport on the Small Community Air Service Grant.
As of today (March 22nd), I have received no information regarding my requests.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
So these are the packages that when you get them you are going to do as you accuse them of doing and not tell anyone what is in them. Double standard Bill!!
If you think you should not tell, why are you asking them to?
These are the packages that when I get them, I am going to meet with the City Manager. If he tells me that they are in negotiations with either of these airlines, I will not publish them on the web page.
Again for the 101st time, I am more then comfortable with that decision. If you disagree, you have the right to request the same exact information and do whatever you please.
A meeting (I assume private)with the city manager regarding airline negotiations?
I'll be we don't get the full report on the meeting either. Is that Exec. Session?
Double standard Bill if we don't!!
Executive Sessions? Executive Sessions deal with the Public Open meeting laws. Having a meeting with a city official is not a Public Open Meeting.
All I am going to do is ask if there are pending negotiations with either of the airlines in question. Please note I am not going to ask any details if there. If he says there are, I will not post. If he says there are none, then I will post.
This is getting beyond the point of being ridiculous.
Hmmmmmm, Tom isn't Tom Hoover , perhaps?
Go Ohio State!
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
To clear things up, I believe it is around to 115th time. Tom, if you really want to know the airlines soooo badly, then request a package yourself. All I care about right now is that we are possibly negotiating with 2 airlines right now. I don't care who they are (sorta), as long as we land at least one of these 2 airlines, I will be happy. We will eventually find out who it is if we end up landing them. If we don't, what is the point??? I understand Bill because you don't want a potential airline interested in ORH to leave because of him.
Maybe you don't understand. Bill is getting something he kept telling us we all should know. Now he will get it himself and keep it to himself.
Double standared!
I may very well ask for the same. I will ask for the airline information and then a meeting with the City Manager. In fact, everyone should do the same. Then we will all know yet no one will know!!!
The whole point of this blog and website is to help create and foster a successful airport that will have economic spin-off, increase the commercial tax base, etc.
To that end I have requested alot of information in the past to help us understand the current working, financial status, etc of ORH. I think alot of the information that has been attained and posted that has helped us have a better understanding of ORH.
Why would I ever do anything to hurt ORH like publish details of an ongoing negotiations with an airline?
By the way I am not a government body subject to the Public Open Meeting Laws. I am just a private citizen exercising my rights to create blog and request information but I am not required to do anything here that I do not want to.
At the same time I have alot of fun with this and fell obligated to express my reasons for not wanting to posting these airlines packages to people who take time out of their day to read this blog. If you disagree with my , I appreciate your opinion and accept it.
This constant reference to "double standard" and George Orwell confuses me.
I will be shocked if any information is released before the city is ready to announce who it has been involved with. I want to know who the airlines are as much as the rest of you but if I had the information and the manager asked me not to put them on the blog I wouldn't. I just hope we hear a long term lease or sale of airport is announced with the names of the new airlines now serving ORH.
Bill deleted my answer to his last point.
Message received.
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