- copies of the two packages that IMG prepared for two commercial airlines
- copies of all reports to the DOT on the expenditures for the grant monies
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
How about a copy of all the correspondance, contracts, etc. between Allegiant and Worcester?
I think the sun was shining on Allegiants departure at the same time they were celebrating the 10,000th passenger last June!
Time to get to the bottom of why Allegiant left town.
Apparently Worcester isn't the only airport having problems. Checked out the Youngstown blog. Seems like they're having similar problems.
scary the similarities between YNG and ORH???
Jahn is confused.
I never had to take the MCAS Exam and Fire Science Degrees did not exist back when I roamed this vale of tears on all fours, but a hypothetical:
I have a fire barn with two (2) fire trucks in it.
I then reduce this fire barn to one (1) fire truck only.
How does reducing the number of fire trucks in the fire barn increase the response time by 50 seconds?
My illogical brain says it still takes the 1 remaining, 14 ton fire truck the same amount of time to get to a fire or the scene of a sprained ankle.
What am I missing here?
Obviously, someone can't conceive of simultaneous events. AND someone likes to have conversations from the dark. Come on down to any fire station and present your question. We're open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The same "simultaneous situation" that now exists when an old lady in Elm Park falls and scrapes her knee and all of Park Ave is placed on hold as a 12 ton firetruck come to the scene...........leaving 1 less fire truck at the barn............(only to end up being the 3rd responder behind the cops & UMass ambulance)
Isn't this the kind of simultaneous event that we now live with everyday??
You cannot have it both ways
You can't have what both ways?
Are you suggesting the PD is currently arriving first to medical calls and instrumental to the care and welfare of injured persons? While they often help and are present at many incidents but not all, your suggestion of the order of arrival is categorically false. They have their role at an emergency, and we always appreciate them, but it does not duplicate the role of FIRST RESPONDERS, which is the assigned duty of the Fire Dept. until the City Manager or his delegate deems otherwise. If you have an issue with this, please call Mr. O'Brien. His number is 799-1175. It's out of my control, so talking to you is academic at best.
What's your name? You know mine.
Thomas said...
"What's your name? You know mine. "
I know you call yourself 'Thomas'. What's your point? There are thousands of people names Thomas.
I'm one of thousands, is what it means.
Thomas, what you cannot have both ways is to want to be 1st responders and still expect the fire barn to properly staffed for a fire "event". What's the sense to having a so called fire dept ( 3.5% OF CALLS ARE TO STRUCTURE FIRES) that gets makework assignments like responding to minor so called medical emergency?
Example: So called Simultaneous Events.... If there are 2 fire trucks at Park Ave station and one gets called out to Elm park b/c some old lady sprained her ankle and while at Elm Park a fire emergency also gets called in from Columbus Park. Now what's more important for a so called fier dept......the old lady with a sprained ankle who is already being tended to by the cops and Umass EMT's or the house near Columbus Park that is on fire?
I am not suggesting the cops & EMT arrive 1st at medical calls , I am telling I have witnessed it more times than I can remember. My So called suggestion of the order of arrival is what I am an eyewitness to and is not catagorically false.
The role of 1st responder is now Mr O'Briens' idea???......correct after you guys lobbied for it. Everyone knows this 1st responder status is just way to beef up the # of calls the Fire Dept responds to, given that structure fires are down 90% since 1996.
Who is better prepared to respond to a medical emergency ....UMAss EMT's or a fire truck?
Conversations from the dark? I'll tell whats really dark. Loud, boisterous, and arrogant folks who show up at City Council meetings with hockey sticks and basketballs.
So The PArk Ave station can answer my questions 24 hours a day. That's always good to know, but I'll pass on the on that and I'll let sleeping dogs lay.
Time to privatize teh fire dept..too bad its not allowed under state law
Previous writer, I don't think you're considering the advantages that the FD offers in the way of responding to every call for service. We do not minimize any call, whether it is someone with a supposed sprained ankle (could have had a cardiac event just prior, so the point is NO call is "just a sprain"), nor do they respond any differently to a reported structure fire at Columbus Park (or anywhere else). Also, as Chief Dio said at the last Public Safety mtg, EMS calls are 65% of total calls in Worcester, while nationally, that number is 85%! Secondly, you cannot assume that everyone is already being tended to by other services. This would be negligent, b/c these other departments have varying workloads as well. As there are qualified and equipped professionals manning 11 fire STATIONS around the city 24 hours a day (barns are where livestock live--it's too colloquial a term for this discussion) what harm is there to have them quickly respond to render care, arriving before an ambulance many times and initiating life-saving measures, as agreed upon through vigorous union negotiations for the WELFARE of the community? This is and has been the industry standard for FD's nationwide, so we're not re-inventing the wheel here.
I didn't say our role as First Responders was the City Manager's idea. I said, if you had a concern and would advocate for a change, give him a call. Conversations here are irrelevant except to loyal blog readers.
You would refer to FF's as "sleeping dogs"? A peculiar euphemism for them. Not very complimentary either. I'm sorry you consider anyone who loves their job enough to want to stand up and fight for it as "dark".
The Public Safety Board had some great questions to which I'm curious to find out the answers as well. If there are some ways for the FD to operate more efficiently, let's put them all out there! But reactionary closures to vital apparatus during a reported fiscal crisis can breed a dangerous precedent, one which I hope and am assured will not lead to further cuts in services and manpower. We can only hope and pray that the leadership maintains this stance.
Please understand the role of a fire department is not simply fire suppression and extinguishment. There are a myriad of roles they fill now, as the world has become more demanding of public services. Refer to the FD web site and state reports, available to anyone, which reveal the type and number of the calls the WFD responds to every single day.
If you honestly believe that a private fire service could handle everything a municipal fire service does, for less money, think again. Inevitably, competition would drive that bill up and over what you pay in taxes now. Better to revise the system as necessary through prudent oversight than relinquish your locally operated public safety services.
Good points to consider, though. I would appreciate the chance to talk to you anytime.
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