- P-town
- Hyannis
- Nantucket
- Martha's Vineyard
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Because I can get a ride to Boston from the east part of Worcester where I live in about 40 minutes and it will just cost me sonme gas and tolls (maybe $20.00). My flight to Phoenix would be $109.00. If we could compare the possible costs from Worcester as about the same as from Provincetown, my fare to Phoenix would be $274. I'll drive!Cape Air and Jet Blue know that!
You can get to Logan in 40 minutes???
If you were to book a flight for April 30th one way to Phoenix direct from Boston the cost would be 109. If you booked from P-town to Phoenix the cost would be 229.
If I lived in P-town, I would book the 229 flight to avoid the traffic into Boston and the long-lines at check. By the way the price is pretty incredible 229.
I did Worc to Logan on a Sunday morning about a month ago. Left worc at about 615 am. I am 20 mins to junction of rte 495 & 9. I like to cruise at 70 to 75 mph.
Took me either 55 mins or an hour.......cannot recall...........and there wasnt a car on the road. I know the east side is more proximate to the Old Millbury exit, but 40 mins.............wow....the hammer was down !!
Bill, I think you have to remember the Spags mentality of many Worcesterites.
I do drive a little above the speed limit, but I keep up with the traffic. However, from my end of the city it is consistently no more that 50. I checked the web site again for my dates June 13-20). The price is the same!I'll drive. That's not Worcester mentality, it is just reality.
"How did ORH get left out, especially since Cape Air was one of the targeted airlines in their initial report nearly two years ago?"
...'cuz Massport ran ORH into the ground to pick it up on the cheap; that's my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking to it!!"
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
I am really starting to agree with you. Anonymous maybe you can get to Logan in 50 minutes if you go on a Saturday morning. There is no way in hell on a consistent, day in day out basis.
Fine let that go. In my example there will be some like anonymouse who will drive to Boston for the cheaper flight. There are more, however, that will pay the extra for the convenience of ORh.
I read this blog everyday and love it, so first thanks for that.
I agree with Bill, I hate driving all the way to Boston, even if did take 40 minutes. What is worse, is the ride home after flying back from your vacation! I would gladly pay extra to fly out of ORH, even if it was an extra $100.00.
In the end it is personal preference. Bottom line is there is a market in Worcester that would fill a Cape Air Flight no problem to Boston.
Evidently JetBlue and Boston realize that for Hyannis, P-Town, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. My question is why not Worcester especially when MassPort is our partner??
Guys no one had to run ORH into the ground for us.............we had the so called airport commission, airport director, airport liason, the council, the mayor, and the city manager with their combined apathies run it not only into ground, but also into continued operating losess year in & year out.
Read today's letters to the editor if you want to see what really has to happen to make ORH & worc succeed.
Read todays's Womag pg 4 if you want to see what SHOULD NOT happen if Worc & ORH are to succeed.
We did see a ray of hope with Allegiant, but they collectively blew that, too.
And now they're going to blow it again bigtime with a short money sale to Massport of our most valuable individual city asset. Massport will prob. get us back our 4 weekly flights, which we never should have lost in the first place, and thats about it.
Anyone who thinks a bloated, patronage ridden, monopolistic bureaucracy like Massport is going to be a savior up there is dreaming. These folks have zero entrepenuerial skills, no bottomline to meet and no vested interest except the continued success of Logan.
I'd like to hear from all what their ...SPECIFIC.....defintion of success will be for ORH once massport takes over. Afterall shouldnt we define this before we all jump off the Massport cliff? And be specific ....i.e. short on verbiage and long on goals, numbers, policy, startegy, & plans
BTW where's the 4 acre parcel RFP that was being "adjusted" so it could be re-bid again? Probably will not be re-issued b4 massport takes over b/c no one knows for sure what they want or are going to do with ORH??
You are preaching to the choir. First, we all know the city should not be running the airport. Second, we all believe more should have been done to market the airport, versus only negotiating with MassPort.
That said, I truly believe MassPort having control via a long-term lease or outright ownership will be a huge improvement. I only wonder what we are leaving on the table.
Whate specifics?? I will bet you that within 3 years, ORH will have 250,000 passengers.
Land RFP?? Like I said many times why are we doing this when the ownership is up in the air. Would you bid on a parcel of land not knowing the ownership on 7/1/7.
No, even I was in the business, I would not bid on the 4 acre RFP, but my point is that this was one of OBriens huge announcements. Remember back on Labor Day just after Allegiant flew the coop? OBrien said no problemo, we have huge announcement(s) coming re: ORH. It ends up being a 4 acre RFP that no one even bids on.......1 announcement. So then they go back to the drawing board with their tail between their legs and had plans to re-issue the RFP again. So where is it? It hasnt been issued b/c no one has any idea what that place will look like going forward and this is the scarey part with only 93 days left. Issue it and see what the heck happens w/o re: to if anyone will bid on it. City can always refuse all bids, if there are any.
Anything will be a huge improvement.
250K passengers......MMMMMM...I hope you're right..........but as we used to say when reading ORH projections, let's get the first 10,000 lined up. Alliegiant's 4 flights did 10,000 for 6 months ( height of the vacation flying season)......so annualized that's maybe 15,000??? We'd need 15 or 20 comparable flights a week to reach 250,000. Do we even have the parking up there to handle it.....or the other needed infrastructure? They'll be ROAR'ing if we ever reach 250,000.
And please do not forget that Greene & Bradley & Manchester have made more gains into our catchment area since the last time we did 250,000.
It is my understanding that the CEO of JetBlue came to Worcester to check out the Airport for possible flights from here but, when he couldn't find the Airpost he left, never to return.
Have you ever heard the term urban folklore???? You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Dave Ulmer, the strategic flight planner, came to ORH and met with a bunch of people representing various groups from Worcester two, or was it three years ago.
I do not believe Dave Neeleman ever came to Worcester .
anonymous this was the same story around the city but regarding the CEO of Southwest
In order for your Jet Blue fantasy to work for ORH, there would need to be a viable shuttle service to BOS, most likely by an independent with a track reocrd of flying in there like Cape Air (vs. a regional subsidiary of a major carrier - that ain't gonna happen). The question is: Can anyone successfuly operate such a service? I don't see it as a viable business, even with code share arrangements with the likes of Jet Blue. Whether it's a 40, 50 or 60 minute drive to BOS, it's still going to be, unfortunatley, more cost effective to make a "land connection" to flights out of Logan.
When Cape Air is in code-sharing arrangement with JetBlue in 4 cities (Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, P-town and Hyannis), that is reality not fantasy.
I flew today out of Boston on JetBlue to Fort Lauderdale. Although we all know you would still drive to Boston since it only takes you 50 minutes, I would have flown Cape Air.
I apologize if this is an overly naive idea, but I've started thinking that maybe the best thing to do with the airport would be to simply close it.
I have to believe that the land could be put to better use as a park, sold for home construction, an industrial park, or a future site for a school. Even if the whole parcel were converted into a golf course (not owned by the city), wouldn't the city benefit financially?
Admittedly, I have no proof of any financial benefit. Nor do I claim that the closure would produce a monetary bonanza. I'm simply tossing in my two cents.
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