I was just reading the official website and noticed the following:
All General Aviation activity and services remain available. Last year we had over 66,000 operations involving private, corporate and general aviation. We are continuing our Lobster give-a-way for pilots. Contact WiFi Accessable Swissport link on this site or call 508 755-5870. For more information see the "GENERAL AVIATION SERVICES" link on this web site.
Here is my question 66,000 operations? That averages out to 180 per day. I had no idea that ORH was that busy?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Kudos to Swissport for stepping up to the plate in their support for the airport. They appear to be a real class act
According to ORH's Form 5010, there were 63,008 operations for the 12-month period ending July 31, 2006.
I'd link you to the site, but you have to generate a report so I have nothing direct for you.
Gee I wonder who posted this comment about Swissport being a Class Act???
On a serious note what is considered an operation?? To me I would assume it is a landing or take-off.
So am I to assume based on the Form 5010 that there were 63,008 landings and take-offs from ORH during the 12 month period.
you are right bill, an operation is a take off or landing. So a jet that comes in to ORH, lands, fuels, and takes off completes 2 operations. A large portion of those operations i believe can be attributed to Amity. I know while i was doing my flight training up there i did well over 300 take offs and landings just getting my private license. So based on the amount of students up there, and the amount of times the planes are in the air...i think amity makes up a good piece of it. Also alot of the other flight schools in the area come into ORH to practice tower controlled operations, and instrument landings.
Thanks to Swissport, those planes are fueled in an efficient and professional manner
oh yes, swissport wins the prize...the prize for one of the most expensive 100ll and jet a prices in the state...
Are we sure it wasn't 66,000 toilet flushings?
Not funny anon about toilet flushing remark.
Potential buyers could be reading this blog
66,000 touch & go's annually. now I know why we need an airport director & airport liason
Brett Boucher acting Chief of Airport Security!!!!!
A true sign the airport is on it's final last gasps.
Hey Norm, bet you're laughing your arse off now
Norm? Which Norm??
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