Turns out that Harry is not the only seeing the potential of a secondary airport having the ability to lure a casino to Massachusetts. Check out this article in the Republican. Here is part of the story:
The mayor said there are 100 acres available for development between the airport and state turnpike exit that are owned by the city, state and Westover Metropolitan Development Corp. Although casino gambling is not legal in Massachusetts, there is a chance the governor will ask the Legislature to vote on the issue.
Maybe the RFP for the parcel of the land at ORH should have been for a casino operator??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Now is a perfect time to put the airport on the map !
Get television news coverage showing the potential of the airport. Newspaper stories.
It doesn't even have to be casino related.
Give the people who actually have the most to gain or lose, those who make a living at the airport , a chance to market their assets.
All the taxpayers see right now is a drain on the budget and paralysis through analysis.
Give us something to rally around!!
Anyone up for a game of Mass Hold Em......while the city bluffs us all.........how long can Massport hold us off...........till we flop, go blind, fold, or until Massport sells us down the river.
The city is all in with Jack high
City is definately all, but jack high--I wish. Basically we are the guy who owns a house that is about to go into foreclosure. Although there is plenty of equity, we do not put the house on the market but just talk to the next door neighbor.
All in, definatley, but high crad is an 8.
Well, according to fox news this morning, it appears that gov. Patrick wants 3 casinos. 1 near Boston, another in SE. MA. and another one in W. MA.
Nothing mentioned about central MA..
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