Nick K wrote a story about how 11 cities around the Commonwealth, including Worcesterm and banning together to compete against Boston. To quote the story:
During the past year, City Manager Michael V. O’Brien said he has been working with chief executives from the other cities on creating the “Gateway Cities Compact for Community and Economic Development.” The other “Gateway Cities” are Brockton, Fall River, Fitchburg, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lowell, Lawrence, New Bedford, Pittsfield and Springfield.
This can not hurt Worcester. The story also mention that they 11 cities will meet to formally sign the pact. It is just me or is there some irony in the fact that instead of meeting in one of the 11 Gateway cities, they are meeting in Boston to sign it?
What really caught my interest is that the City Manager will be presenting "a five-year, coordinated commercial district development action plan that will focus on downtown". My guess is that it will look like what they did in Philadelphia and what was down for the Hanover Theatre. First, lock in current assessed value for time period certain and myabe even waiving of permitting fees, etc.
This is good news and I look forward to hearing what the City Manager has in mind.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
"Brockton, Fall River, Fitchburg, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lowell, Lawrence, New Bedford, Pittsfield and Springfield." Didn't Tony Robbins or some other self help guru once state , " If you want to be a winner, stop hanging around losers!!" Do y'all see any winners in that list of cities?
I agree, I dont see this helping Worc at all. & frnkly it's more baloney aimed at promoting the city that will just eventually crash & burn. Frankly most of these locales have much worse socio-economic problems than the ones with w/ the biggest probs are the ones who get the most benefitsout of aligning them selves with a bigger fish like Worc.
IMO it's a poorly conceived strategic plan for Worc that will pit us against the Metro boston interests in a huge uphill the boston pols will prob just divide and conquer this coalition
If I am looking for a job, I dont show up with my 10 ghetto buddies.........I put on my best game Salvation Army Suit and hit the bricks by myself.
Gateway To what?...kind alike Tim & Deval.Together We Can.....What
I am tired of slogans like this and others like a City on the Move or Worc the Paris of the 90''s all Horse++++
Our probs are easlity solved..................stop teh low income housing constr & cut the cost of our employees.
"Brockton, Fall River, Fitchburg, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lowell, Lawrence, New Bedford, Pittsfield and Springfield." Didn't Tony Robbins or some other self help guru once state , " If you want to be a winner, stop hanging around losers!!" Do y'all see any winners in that list of cities?
>>>I looked at this and said the same thing to myself about a few of the cities included..however Haverhill is really "on the move"..their downtown is one of the most exciting in Massachusetts right now...up their with Davis Square in Somerville, Harvard, Central & Porter Square in Cambridge..South Boston
I have suggested to numerous city folk to take a ride to downtown is incredible
Pittsfield is pretty funky to..I took a ride out their on Easter and was quite surprised at that downtown..part Mayberry RFD, Burlington, VT....low vacancy, clean, eclectic..I counted 4 funky coffee shops downtown..old style theatre renovate and active...
I think this Lisa Wong in Fitchburg is gonna do something...took a gal up to the martini bar in downtown Fitchburg a few weeks back..we had a nice time..had dinnah in a nice Italian Restaurant there also..
I see no downside to this partnership...but until this state and these cities start tackling this influx of losers it is going no where..good folks won't live around what I live around... folks are for diversity...grime, laziness, uneducated..crime are not diversity..and we have way to much of this in Woostah
well said.
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