Since the rumor mill is working today. Rand-Whitney planning big expansion, but not in Worcester--Boylston...
Would have been nice to have them expand where they are, Wyman Gordon parcel or the South Worcester Industrial Park.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I wonder iS THSI By ANY CHANCE being planned near the junction of Rte 140 & 70 in Boylston?
Speaking of Boylston, nice to see that Sheriff Guy finally got a brand new 3/4 mile driveway up to the Boylston Hilton. God that raodway has been an absolute disaster for decades now.
Hopefully it's wide enough to accomadate that $300,000 Swat-Mobile that he bought a few yrears back that just sits and gathers dust.
Corrections Corporation of America doenst have such a Swatmobile, why does Guy need one?
Dittos for the horse mounted cavalry and the accompanying brigade of tracking dogs and trainers. Time to can the horses and feed them to the dogs. Then send the dogs over to Holden St for adoption.
And Guy is always crying poverty!!!!
Correct Route 140 and Route 70. By the way, they wanted to expand on Greenwood Street, but ran into too much opposition.
Rte 140 & 70 where there is no rail service.....?????.........but reasonably decent access to Rte 290....however even nicer road access in current location.....
Digital was going to build there in late 80's & I think they even owned the land back then...check me on that though...Frito Lay moved in there a fews ago too.......for sale sign has been on that site now for close to 2 decades
I wonder how much RW pays city in personal property tax on their equipment and vehicles?
So who was the opposition to RW..let me guess the same clowns who opposed the Walmart oin rte 146........that is still pending (I hope)............where was Clancy on this issue????........ guess RW was given the old Lewcott Chemical Treatment by the pols & neighbors
Probabaly the same place Rushton is on St Gobain...........telling St. Gobain not to use CSX b/c CXS is not commuter rail friendly .........How do we continually elect these double talking officials to office??? St Gobain should now pay more in freight costs by switching from rail to truck transport b/c the cioty is in a tiff with CSX...............these councillors remind me of elementary school girls who are engaged in a school yard argument with each other....................first thing they do is ostracize those who disagree.............
BTW after reading thsi weeks papers..............deos anyone wonder why CSX wants immunuity???.........Kid killed in Revere at a grade crossing last tuesday.............where the Herald reports the local electorate demanded that trains not sound their horns while traveling over teh grade crossing....and then we got thsi MBTA accident on Thursday night...........even if she is not at fault........ we got 24 yr old operator with 9 months on the job....operating such a huge of piece of equipment.........and you wonder why CSX wants immunity.....even if they were the parked train in that case..............they would still get sued..........nand prob be forced to settel outta court............and if they were found to be even 1% at fault with their parked train........they would still be held liable for 100% of the damages.
.................only in MassAchusetts
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