Click here bankruptcy trustee for pace looking to go after Direct Air
Pace said Direct Air breached the contract by canceling the agreement. Pace told Direct Air on June 19, 2009, that it owed $1.46 million. Pace sent a second letter on July 23, 2009, demanding payment, which Direct Air has declined to make.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Hey Bill....sorry to hijack the post, but i'm a long time reader and was wondering if you could recommend to me a local person to help me refinance my home...thanks
Close PIP shelter = PIP people move down Main St to a local rooming house. Result private landlord gets burdened with former PIP people which then results in huge number of police calls which then results in Licensing board pulling the rooming house license and if the landlord refused to rent to former PiP peoole has ass would be hauled to court.
Once again I call for all who were part of the failed PIP closing plan to be terminated.
Anyone ever wonder why the PIP shelter never had its licenses pulled, esp. after using the facility to bed down many more poeple than it was licesned to all the drug transactions always going down in that area.
The favortism continues in Worc. as long as you're a non profit.
Witness the city subcommitte now recommending the closure of 600 feet of Downing St solely for Clarks benefit.
I mean cant they at least pay us for the 30,000 sq ft we're giving them plus all the improvements on it. Christ the 1200 ft of granite curbing alone has to be worth 10's of thousands $$$$$....add in another 18,000 sq ft of asphalt paved suface worth at least $100 a sq ft or about $180,000.
The taxpayers are being robbed here via A Reverse Robin Hood and the council will just rubber stamp this deal which was really consumated 9 montsh ago and which takes from the poor taxpayers and gives to well heeled Clark Univ witheir zillions $$$$ endowments.........but hey they still have to hold so called neighborhood hearings to obtain neighborhood input which they then deep six.
Next Clark is going to want all of Downing St from Park Ave to Florence St for their own personal campus driveway.......proaBLY ANOTHER 800 ft of city raodway....after which they'll want the city to take via eminent domain all the abutting real estate for campus expansion b/c they sure as hell aint going to expand on the Main St side of the campus.
Down with Clark !
Dave Frechette
Mackinac in Auburn
508 832 4660
So what assets do Direct Air have that could be lost in a lawsuit? They don't own any planes. They don't have any employees.
I know someone who owns a bar but doesn't carry liability insurance. Any time they get sued, they close the bar, form a new corporation, and open under a new name.
Sounds tome like Direct Air could do the same thing.
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