June 24, 2011

five "smart growth" project get 1.5 million in aid

Interesting story


Jahn said...

This is just more BS to keep the payroll at Mass SMart Growth Allinace flush with cash.

Wonder how many Mass Smart Growth Alliance employees pedal to work each day? Anoterh case similar to a non-svelte first lady telling me I should eat only rabbit food.

I mean come on, how much does 1.5M buy in frastructure growth and WTH do we need another study to tell us that Joe Obriens bicycle burns more calories than my 1978, 3800lb Buick Electra ....geeeesh

Right...!!!! We need more smart growth with gubmint money. $1.5M will pay for the constr. of 3 new apts at Main & Madisons new Hadley Building. Truly smart for the developers !!!!!

How many god dam more non profit organizations do we need sucking off the gov't t+t to tell us things that we already know.

WorcGOP said...

There should be a way to 'Like' comments on your blog.

Go Jahn...