Keeping a property in the name of a non-profit to access Brownfields monies as a grant, versus a loan, is not limited to the Common Ground, for an the actual owner of the property--who is a for profit company that would have to pay back the EPA monies.
South Worcester Neighborhood Center did the same thing with Southgate Place bounded by Southgate-Grand-Armory.Once the EPA monies have been received, spent and signed off, South Worcester deeds the property back to the for profit entity City Builders LLC (3/17/10 bk 45569 pg 115).
This monies also should be paid back since this was merely a shell game to get tax-payer monies for free. Any other for profit developer would have to pay back these monies.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
6 months ago
Although South Worcester Neighborhood Center may have done something similar, it seem that they at least waited for the grants to come through before deeding the property back to the for profit entity.
It seems that Common Ground applied for and received grant money for a property that they did not own at the time they applied for or received the funds.
OT here but a few random thots from the weekend:
a. Should those who spent approximately 3 years coming up with a solution to Worc's PIP shelter closing all be fired? If they worked for me they would be. No severance package either. This so called solution has been in effect for what....1/2 year and so far it's an utter failure
b. I heard this weekend on the radio that a certain housing and/or homeless agency in Hyannis, Cape Cod lost their funding and will cut 15 jobs. Hyannis also has a huge "PIP" problem not unlike Worcdester had and I am speculating that with the tourists ready to hit Mian St, Hyannis soon that merchants and others are overly concerend about the fallout from the area Homeless.
c. Should some of the money ( $2-3 Million?) collected for a firefighter memorial in Institute Park, that apparently is still sitting unused be donated to tornado victims in Western Mass.?
Good point.
I guess the non profit has to only be the title holder of record to obtain the clean up funds? They were the title holder of record with a signed/executed urchase and sale agreement "buried" as they call it.
Wonder who was paying the insurance and & RE taxes on the property during the "burial" period. WGC, I assume?. With re-imbusemnt from Mason Winfiled LLC??
Woulda been very interesting to see what would have happened if a kid got hurt during the "burial period" ... who would step up to the plate and claim ownership Probably WCG b/c there are limitations in Mass re: how you can recover in tort actions from certain non profits.
Call Martha Caokley, then wait for the phone to ring............once hell freezes over
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