I have one of those pots on the sidewalk in front of my office. Tried once before but whatever we tried died? Not much son or the fact people end up using it for a rubbish bucket. I will check with Sprout and give it another try.
Patient is on the death bed, can Sprout help?? Stay tuned....
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Good for you Bill but you need to remember to keep up with it just as you would for a flower or vegetable garden at home.
I can't understand why more businesses downtown don't have plants and/or flower boxes. Whenever we visit other cities we see beautiful flower boxes which IMHO, adds life to the center city at reasonably cheap money.
I actually mentioned this to a DT business owner not too long ago and he looked at me as if I had rocks in my head. I was quite dismayed to say the least at the business owner's reluctance to embrace the idea.
Potted plant???..........try putting some pot in it. I am sure someone will tend if for you.
Maybe the dude I saw on the common late this afternoon sucking down the tail of a joint will tend it for you.
Then there were the 5 rowdies sitting rigth outside the rear entrance to city hall.
Other than that the Common was well populated in terms of the number of people enjoying a nice late spring afternoon.
David, the poor soul probably has all he can do to pay his RE taxes.
Bill is that planter the site of old, never used concrete sign bunker they removed?
I Hope all enjoy what looks to be a nice weakend.
DZ - Come to the Worcester Blogger waffle this Sunday and I will talk your ear off about plants and downtown!!
pizza shoppe @ 222 Chandler St., Worcester closed for over a week now
I have to beg business owners on Chandler Street to water, remove dead buds...water....clean out the coffee cups....Worcester is a city that does not appreciate beauty unless someone else pays for and maintains!
Nice article in today's T&G about Fitchburg sponsoring Young Eagles program. Too bad they have lousy weather today.
Although as a Worcester taxpayer I have no regrets about sending ownership to MassPort, I feel that events like the one sponsored by Fitchburg would go along way to bringing Worcester Airport back to life. I don't think it would take that much, but I feel any such projects like the one in Fitchburg would now get bogged down in the red tape of Massport( i.e insurance liability etc ).
I have flown out of Worcester a few times when there was no restaurant and it was a large empty space. But I did watch the movie Knight & Day mainly to see how Worcester Airport was portrayed and was stunned to see how different it looked, and can be again with a little effort.
I would suggest an aviation themed diner type restaurant. Make the meals affordable (i.e buffet breakfast $7.99) and diner fare for lunch and dinner and people will come. I've seen lots of folks dining out even in this economy if the food is good and given a good deal.
How about showing aviation themed movies for both young and old aviation enthusiaists!
The point is start getting some positive press going. Get the airport's name out there1
Vasken at Firewood gave up after three months....nothing more to report on this.
John, I agree we need to get more activity up there.
Bill, what ever happened to that RFP for some sort of aviation maintenance(?)type facility at the airport. Massports 1st Anniv fast approaches and I think most Worcestretites feel about the same re the airport. Some may even say..what airport? MP should have both oars in the water up there to increase public and consumer awareness. After 9 yrs up there managing/leasing the place the rubber should hit the road July 1, 2010
Then there was the Flying Saucer (aviation themed?) Diner at Rte 20 and Greenwood St. Bit the dust in the late 60's I would guess. Waitresses were rumored to be the liasons between the truck drivers with valuable loads and hi-jackers....back when hijacking meant 45 ft trailers loaded with goodies
<< Throwing ++it agsisnt the wall here ....but......
a. Blue Angels
b. Do they have flee markets for aviation themed products?
c. Antique Aeroplain Show
d. A full evening restaurant
e. Breakfast & Lunch place (Pickle Barrel II?)
Even Chatham Airport has breakfast & lunch place. Paulie, do they do dinner there, too? Turn Left at the Hess Station or right if you're coming from the Squire :)
And we areant our Econ Dev'ment folks riding MP's gluteous maximus. C. of C. too???
I saw purple petunias in your planter this morning on my way to the flower market, so I did not pick up anything. Looks good!
I don't know who did it, but then Paul mentioned something to me and must have done it.
Will these survive in the shade?
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