Let's say you have a corner lot on Stark road but your address happens to be on the other Street (Mower, Juniper, Fernside, Windemere). Since you have frontage on Stark Road you can vote on the conversion to a public street, but you do not have to pay....
Yes, you heard that right you can vote in the affirmative but it will not cost you anything. Who wouldn't vote then to approve the conversion if you had a corner lot. In the end it really does not make a difference since the outcome of the vote has no bearing anyhow.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
1 comment:
That's what I call representaion or voting rights with out taxation or in this case voting rigghts w/o street conv. costs.
In the same mindset were have millions who pay no taxes yet get to vote and worse some of them get money back on their tax retunrs that they never paid in...it's called teh Earned Income Tax credit. Welcome to Obuma's a Devals Pajama Peopel Paradise.
I have read there are cases making their way though courts and fact pattern is some thign like this. You own a House at Happy Hampton Beach but reside in Mass-hole-achusetts. The Town of Hampton, NH hits ya with all kinds taxes and fees and you have no right to vote in the town b/c it aint u fulltime residence.
E.g. there is a water billing semi-annually to all. even if you use no water the charge is $75. Well guess who that hits 100%...........not the full time residnest b/c they use water yr round........but only the summer residences b/c they use no water all wintah yet stilll have to pony up a $75 mibimum. Same for town dump fees....u pay the same whether you re therre 2 months of the year or yr. round.
Was that Thomas Paine(Payne?) who coined that phrase. I'll have to call up my Ace history teacher to get an wanswer :)
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