February 26, 2012

Kesseli & Morse

Noticed closing in real estate section today.   A church did in fact buy it..   Another property that will pay no real estate taxes...  


Jahn said...

And yet another real est dev'er bangin' their tins cup for gubmint $$$$ to subsidize a real estate project at the old Kelley Buick site...more forgone tax dollars from a FOR PROFIT entity! We're being TIF'ed, DIF'ed, low incomed, Hanover'ed, and exempted into bankruptcy. And mark my words, I am telling ya there will be pitchforks galore on city hall campus in a few more weeks.

With teh Bull Mnasion thats 2 properties in 2 weeks gonzo from teh tax rolls

Then in todays T&G we have the so called REO (Responsible Employer Ordinance) declared illegal by the courts. This city ord. mandates that CERTAIN contractors with the city have to provide health coverage ins. & an apprentice program to be qualified to bid.

Clearly this is another of Klyde Krash Kups & Fidel Mc Governs pro union pieces of legislation that has run sideawys on into a huge legal outcropping of ledge with only a pair of pajamas to protect it from the courts. Can you say Micheal Jackson? It appears it to only applies to the building trades. Interestingly enough, it cost the city of Fall River $150,000 in legal fees to fight it. Now wasn't (or isnt) Fall River one of Havana Jims urban strongholds?

Y'all think that Doughboy or Fidel get their shirts pressed or their lawns mowed by employers with an apprentice program and health coverage for employees? Bunch of foreflushers!

If An REO is soooo important why does it not apply to contractors providing rock salt, paper clips, and toilet paper to the city? Answer, b/c none of these businesses (or very few) have any union competition.

An if it is soo important that building projects funded by the city have 50% local employees on the job site, than dare I ask why the city doenst require all city employees to reside in the city. Just think of the boost that Worc's middle class would get if all cops, firemen, & teachers had to live in the city. That would certainly drop real esate values immediately out in Paxton........given all the houses that would go on the market.

Jahn said...

You know after I hit send, I got to thinking that regarding these subsidies for commercial real estate dev'ment...........I wonder if behind the scenes the owners have the city jacked up against the wall with a veiled threat of converting a property to low income housing if they do not get their commercial DIFs or TIFs.

Just think about a block of low income housing opposite the courthouse or on restaurant row on Shrewsbury St. The Mayor of Shrewsbury St will have a lot more to worry about than restaurants partially blocking the sidewalks with tables & chairs. And if there was low income housing opposite the court house, the police would only have to cross the street to possibly locate any no show defendants.

I also should ask re: the REO law, if all the city's esteemed towing contractors have an appentice program & health ins. for their employees. The answer would probably be no b/c I doubt they are covered by the ordinace which seems to be aimed at teh building trades contractors only.

Anyway it is good to see that Metso Manufacturing is building an addition on their plant. Only thing is though, is that in Worcester or Shrewsbury? Too darn close for me to make a determination. Meanwhile the Hampton Inn site at 290 in Shrews is in its 17th or 18th month of inactivity. Rumor has it they lost their financing.

It is also good to see that at least someone has some tentative plans for the old Kelley Buick site. But please, not on my dime. Didnt we already have a subsidized restaurant fiasco cross the street at Union Station a few years and then of course there was Bull Mansion dining experience........that maybe, possibly kinda ,sorta got a diff. kind of subsidy form the city. Cant be sure though.

elmparkblogger said...

I have decided that I am going to start a church soon to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that exist

It will be kinda like the Mormons, and I am going to add a new book to the New Testament too

Damn, I had a name for it too, but it escapes me.