I am a landlord in the City of Worcester. It is an investment, but unlike any other investment it is a job and I think we do a pretty good job at it. In last week's WoMag, I read about a plan sponsored by Councilor Germain to address "problem properties". From past experience, nothing makes our lives more miserable then abutting run-down properties.
As I read the story, however, the plan proposes levying registration fees against ALL non-owner occupied properties, not just "problem properties". To quote Councilor Germain "it's not going to break the bank for landlords, just make them more attentive to their properties." What if someone is already attentive?
In addition Councilor Germain also wants to have annual inspections of renter occupied apartments. Do we have the staff to inspect every non-owner occupied rental unit, which would have to include all the apartments owned by the Worcester Housing Authority, the colleges and the CDC's?
Punishing all landlords of all non-owner occupied units clearly does not address the "problem properties", but merely drives up the costs for good landlords. How about this for an idea, why don't we simply crack down on existing code violations and enforce the Abandoned Building Ordinance?
Lastly what message does this send to the good landlords in the City of Worcester or potential investors considering buying property in Worcester?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill and your fellows bourgeois landlords,
Together We Can (well, more you than us, but anyway)!
What did the Chamber of Commerce have to say about this?
As our illustrious Lt. Governor would say: Hope, Bill. Hope.
P.S. Michael Jackson's ranch is being foreclosed. Is this an example of "change"?
the City doesn't have a clue on how to right the ship..just what I need - another expense on apartments I can only give away to losers.
More anti-business rhetoric from a council with very little successful business experience
I'm with Bill on this one..I have had problem properties aka unlicensed PIP Shelters all around me for years and I have made 100's of complaints about them..this is not what I had in mind when I complained...me being fined for others mishaps!
Again, if the City Council and our City Manager worked on changing this welfare state mentality and welfare image of Worcester..the market would take care of the rest..but then what do those of us who have been hanging on for years in the urban core of the city know?
I could not agree more there are problem properties that the City should focus all their attention on. To take the limited resources of the code department and ask them to inspect every apartment rental is insane.
Also I know of several multi-families which are owner-occupied that are a mess. They would be exempt from this??
Save yourself the grief. The middle class are fleeing the city. Do yourself a favor, sell if you can and invest in more marketable properties elswhere. There are alot of places that would welcome a community oriented individual such as yourself.
Stay healthy
Bill wrote:
"Lastly what message does this send to the good landlords in the City of Worcester...?"
In the infamous words of "The Terminator"
Get Out!
We use the word "business friendly" all the time, but then come up with ideas like this?
This is the problem with electing people like Mr Germanine to council office.
It is reported he does not work, is disabled as the result of an alleged automobile accident (allegedly whilst hammered), reportedly collects about $130,000 (maybe all tax free) under a disabilty insurance policy and the guy has nothing else to do with his time except bust ass on private landlords.
Maybe Mr Germaine should take a look at some city owned properties first. I noticed yesterday that not only does the Old Fire Alarm Building on Park have its brick facade lag bolted to the wooden super-structure but now it is plywooded as well. Check out the gutter hanging off the building. What an eye sore opposite America's oldest local park along a formerly picturesque stretch of Park Avenue.
After he takes in the Fire Alarm building he should take a ride over to the DPW yard on E Worcester St and observe the imploded salt sheds.
Next he can drive over to Doherty High School where the roof leaks regularly. Ditto's for North High.
Next he can cruise by the Worcester Auditorium and check out the peeling paint, broken windows, and cracked window frames.
I'll even be more than happy to show him an illegal landfill dump run by the city which is loaded with brush, old tires, suitcases, and asphalt buried under a layer of clay and silt.
He can end his tour de jour by taking in the salt shed at Clark St & East Mountain St. Absolutely un-++++'ing believe. You should see that structure. Absolutely s/b condemmed.
Of course we have a newly enacted nuisance ordinace re such blight, but who is exempt from it............yup ........The city.
Time for Mr Germaine to get off disabilty, go back to work full time pedalling insurance, and get the hell off the backs of Worcesters small business people.
And then there's the 15 yr old park at Federal that was in a complete state if disrepair b/c of lack of routine maintenance which has been dismantled to accomodate the Hand It Over Theatre.
And to the city fathers.....dont gimme this load of bovine fecal matter that you aint got the money to fix these problems. Landlords cannot use this excuse...nor can those who are subject to the FOGS ordinance.
Can anyone else add to my list similar city properties?
Germaine should go over to St Johns cemetary and get locked in with Fresolo and leave the working folks of Worcester alone. Maybe Fresolo can get him off disablity and onto the Turnpike with Fresolos relatives & freinds.
First of all lets take it easy on Mike Germain. He is a brand new councilor and I am chalking this one up to inexperience. Maybe in the future he will talk to property owners before making recommendations like this.
One other thought. If you own a condo and rent it, you would be subject to the registration and annual inspection since it would be a non-owner occupied rental.
If this legislation takes effect the best solution would be to rent to only Section 8's, b/c Sec 8 will inspect your apt annually anyway and you'll prob. be exempted from the new law, given the Sec 8 annual inspection.
I am sure Mariano will lobby to have WRA exempted and along with the Sec 8 program the WRA administers.
End result.......working poor, non section 8's will be passed over by landlords in favor of non working Sec 8's in order to beat the citys proposed annual inspection and fee.
The Laws of Unintended Consequences.
Germaine is fair game now. Bloggers come with the turf. Dont run for council if you dont want to be checked against the boards once inawhile.....get used to it.....this aint St Peter-Marian Hockey where you get to tell the all little trolls what to do.
BTW, do we have any suspects in custody re: unauthorized release of Mr Germaine's personal papers from Probate Court? a.k.a as Probate-Gate.
Mr Early is a little late getting this cleaned up.
Also, I may come up on the wrong of my statement that The Hand It Over Theatre will not open on time. Only time will tell, but I think I bet on the wrong horse this time. No way they would have a big act booked for a fixed date if they werent confident of their gala grand opening date. Right?
Maybe Mr Germaine should strive to have the recently enacted new City Nuisance Ordinance apply to the City as well as everyone else. Why should the City be exempt? Do they walk on water down there?
I dont know if he was on board when this was signed into law...........but what better way to get some press than asking why the City passes a new nuisance Ordinance and then Exempts itself from the new law and then have a photo op at the Old Fire Alarm building with him Holding a copy of the consultants report on that building and its inherent dangers.
That should light a fire under a few rear ends at city hall and beyond?
Council reminds me of the Congress....they pass laws and then exempt themslves......ask Jimmy McGov why he isnt in the social security retirement system like the rest of us private sector employees.............ask him why Congress passed a work place sexual harrassment law and then exempted itself from the law.......
This legislation is all hypocrisy.
Jahn is in esp. bad mood today.....sorry but it's T.O.T ... Ticked Off Thursday
...and Jahn hasn't even mentioned the airport in his rant today...
T.O.T , eh ?!?!?! That's hillarious !
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Printing delay with the tickets for the Dzian fundraiser for my boy. Hopefully the tix will be available in the next few days...
Maybe the drink for the night that night should be JAHNgermeister?!?!?
yah, again I have to agree with Jahn...Mr. Germain wanted the job and if one is gonna throw out ideas that are not well thought out or discussed with those that are effected sans Senor Rosen and the "$99.00 Special" he proposed for the few coming to the city with a slant on contributing then I dare say he is open game/blogged!!
Why don't our Pols ever suggest levy a fee or some kind of civic requirement on those who keep upping our fee's - "our" meaning those of us who get up every day to work, clean the streets, vote, make sure that the kiddies that are brought into the World are well fed, educated and loved..it is amazing to me that we have so many in this city that our Pols and leaders have decided are unable to do anything to contribute to society in the way of some kind of civic duty.
I got a new batch of folks living next door in the three decker aka "unlicensed PIP Shelter" and it is now 8:45 AM and as of 6:45AM when I started work not one person has come home from working a night time shift or left for a day time work shift???
Paulie, again this is the problem with newly electing those who do not have a fulltime real job.
They want to be visible so they create problems where none exist. This councillor is on his way to being a PIA as far as I am concerend.
If Mr Germaine was truly concerned about the condition of the city he would enact an ordinace that sets standards for paved streets & sidewalks & then find a way to cut city employeee paid sick time and use that money toward streete re surfacing.
Instead he's prostituting himself by bashing business people. I hope thsi guy is gone in 2 years if this is how he's going to behave.
Bill, does the Worcester Property Owners Ass'n still exist?
Didn't the council on Tuesday night also suggest to fine absentee landlords 10% of their property value if property remains vacant over a year?
This doesn't help Paulie w/ his neighbor problems, but is at least a step in the right direction
Is the City the absentee landlord of the vacant (for years) Fire Alarm Building on Park Avenue?
Who was the absentee landlord when the old Belmont Home sat vacant for 11 years?
Is the old city hospital vacant?
How many pieces of tax title property does the city currently own that that has vacant buildings on them?
How about the plywooded control tower at Worc Airport? Vacant? Absentee landlord?
The Worceste Memorial Auditorium?
The Old Boys Trade School?
Jahn is beginning to wonder if some of our councillors are a little vacant?
Don't know if you own or rent Bill, but do you think people that have existing businesses in Worcester have had enough and will move?
I can see landlords passing on the increased fees/taxes onto the tenant making the decision for the tenant to move (when their lease is up).
But it must be frustrating for business people who own their own building to sell, especially in this economy.
Been through recessions and downturns many a time, but this current one hurts the most because I think it could have been easily averted.
Worcester Taxpayer
10% fine on abandoned buildings?? Not saying it is a bad idea but why crease another ordinance??
We have an abandoned building ordinance, enforce it. The city has lots of plans, agencies and ordinances in place. We do not need anymore plans, consultants, added bureaucracies, etc.
Simply enforce the stuff on the books and hold the various agencies accountable. I know that may sound boring but the details of business are simply that--boring.
Will people move out of Worcester, I do not think so. The real question is will people move downtown into Worcester. Look no further then City Square and I think the answer is obvious.
change the demographics of the urban core of the city and within a New York moment those abandoned buildings will become filled with new business and active participtaing citizens of Worcester..Councilor Germaine may find this to be more beneficial to the city's coffers :>)
Why is Joff Smith getting a pass? Give me a break. These guys really have there head up their arses.
I can tell you this, I bought a building from an owner/occupied seller. It took me three months to get the apartments in that building up to code. The prior owner who occupied his little castle did nothing but pull money out of the place while shitting on the tenants for 10-15 years....yup...he would be exempt). The place was a pit and it is not longer a pit. I invested my time and my money in the building and my property tax supports the City. The proposal is absurd and motivates me to sell. The Commonweatlh has some of the most tenant friendly laws in the Country. The reason the likes of Mr. Germain and Mr. Smith are so keen on this plan is it is a revenue source that targets many who do not have a vote in City politics (Owner live elsewhere.......). One estimate was $2,000,000.00.
It amazes me that the City of Worcester has actually looked to Baltimore for solutions. I get it, time to get OUT!
Last one out, turn off the lights!
I'd join ya but my property decreased in value while cost went up--Thanks Worcester. Couldn't sell if I wanted.
Stuck in Wistah
We're also looking to another model (Detroit) to solve the states money problems.
Ask Detroit what the casinos did for them.
Joff Smith should go back to his park building agenda on Indian Hill where he was also partly responsible for driving Salter School out to West Boylston and the old Salter site now still sits empty??
Folks once the city budget problems come home to roost in the next few months..........hopefully all this other baloney will be forgotten about....kind alike the unshoveled sidewalks issues tend to go away in March/April.
Time to freeze all city wages once current union contracts expire. Also reduce paid Sick leave to 3 days per year. NO paid sick days until one is out sick for a week and then paid sick days kick in once one shows up with a doctors note
These are grown men and women . They shouldn't be treated like children having to bring in a doctor's note.
Yes there are a few bad apple , but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
You have a bitter grudge against city employees and unions. Did they somehow hurt or sabotage you ,your business, or family and friends? Just curious
I did not say they were not grown men & women.
10 sick days on average per city employee per year is alot more than a few bad apples.
I do not have a grudge against city employees. I would like my taxes being used to pay for productive employees as opposed to allegedly sick employees.
Try taking 10 paid sick days per year on average with a private sector employee. Then try it using Friday & Monday sick days. Too many people have no idea of whats it like to have to meet a bottom line in the workplace.
Bill said: "How about this for an idea, why don't we simply crack down on existing code violations and enforce the Abandoned Building Ordinance?"
Answer: Because the morons in City Hall want to collect another $2,000,000.00 in fees from property owners who generally can't vote in Worcester.
One more reason to abandon the sink ship called WORCESTER.
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