Southern Skyways now flies from 7 secondary airports to Myrtle Beach. Couple that with 6 secondary airports to Myrtle Beach from Myrtle Beach Direct and Myrtle Beach is definately a hot destination.
Lets hope we are talking to both of these airlines.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
No presence in the NorthEast according to their website.
I don't know if they would be able to turn a profit, but know that golf get-a-way packages would probably do well.
my two cents (after inflation)
Myrtle Beach would also pull well on February & April school vacation weeks, not to mention spring break, too...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
We have two second tiered carriers targeting secondary airport making Myrtle Beach a focus city. Hopefuly we are all over both there airlines.
Moylan says there is no way he can care for parks we already have, yet we're building a new one on Pleasanst St opposite the elderly high rise and we we're doing a $750,000 study as re: the canal district, which if it comes to fruition will be a huge park complete with water. If you want a water park, drive to Six Flags in Agawam
OBrien says Community Dev'ment money from Washington is also down again this year and we want to start (or restart) the now defunct Canal District Comm. Dev'ment Corp. WTH!
What the hell kinda of strategic planning is this anyway? A canal district, if built at all s/b built in conjunction with and adjacent to the Blackstone Valley Visitors Center in Quinsig Village and maybe it's high time we cull a few of these community dev'ment corporations which are becoming employment agencies (at great wages & bennies) for hacks that are otherwise unemployable.
And to Mr Moylan, take a look around you this Monday morning and take a tally of how many of your men called in sick this morning. This will go a long way toward helping the DPW clean up some of its ineffeciencies. Then at 12:30 pm go and check on your garabge collectors. Betcha cant even find them!
Also, what the heck is going with that Blackstone Valley Visitors center? Specifically why isnt it all built yet? Hey Deval & Tim...Beacon Hill money problems?
Also what's going on with the PIP Shelter "study". What is this the 3rd one now?
And Sundays paper has Obrien on the front page with headlines about the city getting involved in the subprime mess? He should just concentrate on the subprime real estate mess at Worcester Airport and let Main South Comm Dev'ment worry about the Main SOuth subprime mess.
Seems to me the only thing the city can consistently execute on is the construction of low income housing that we shouldnt even be building in the first place.
These projects that the city gets involved in are just ridiculous. Has anyone been to Beaver Brook Park recently? It looks beautiful--until it rains and the fields all flood. What was the purpose on opening this waterway? It is not a flowing brook, it is water that sits stagnant and is beginning to fill up with trash. I believe that the Blackstone project will have similar issues if it is ever completed. A complete waste of money.
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