Bancroft Liquors has closed and I heard the Super 88 Supermarket is not coming for the Mayo Group.... Keep a close watch on McFadden's.
Again I just want to emphasize that I take no satisfaction in any business going out of business. As a fellow business-owner I know how hard it is to run your own business and how devastating it must be to close something you work and worry about night and day. I only do this to point out the seriousness of the situation and hope someone takes notice and replaces rhetoric with action.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Wild Will;
I think what you are posting is what needs to be done and more..I have put 100K into my house on Chandler (chump change I know but real money), have moved in and am renovating a bldg across the street to the tune of another 150K and my money not grant money and I still have the same shit hole next door that the city keeps telling me "we are working on it"
To many are just leaving and not even bothering to say goodbye they are just leaving..this hoss shit that we have to rah rah rah is more hoss shit..and if you don't rah rah then you should leave is more hoss shit...most of these rah rahers got two nickels in their pocket and are guarding em like they are three nickels
Keep it up..I got told the other day while havin a pint down at the Hibo that I am pissin' some in the hierarchy cause I have been outspoken on these bad..those pissed have no risk just more tax dollars to spend..I'm spending my own money and I want a return and now not in 10 years (maybe)..all I am hearing is this hoss shit about some poor bastards who took out a mortgage that he and Mary Lou shouldn't have taken out in the first place and what we can do to save em' and a guy like me, you and a few other risk takers using our own money get a "good luck, we'll see what we can do about the lowlife next door to you heavin' chicken bones out the window, beating the crap out of his section 8 ole lady daily, amigoes beeping their horns at midnight" and when they don't solve these pulic problems they still expect me to keep quality tenants in my houses and pay god damn taxes that are to high for a city that none of the leaders wanna live in??? Boy I am glad I got that off of my chest..time for a pint.
My beef is that when you do not get "in line" and agree with the "rah rah" stuff, you are considered negative.
I think Mayor Murray did a great job and turned the attitude around in the City of Worcester. We even had some positive momemtum that could have been capitalizd on, but it wasn't. Why not?
The City of Worcester's biggest problem is that it is not "business friendly". You can say "business friendly" over and over again, but that does not make it a reality.
In the end the private sector votes with their feet and we can all see how they are voting as each day passes by.
What is the deal with the Super 88?
I was really looking forward to that store.
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