The thing that truly amazes me about this blog, other then that I have way too much fun with it, are the "anonymous" bloggers. I remember when I started this Tom Moore insisted that people needed to somehow identify himself. Looking back, I agree with him, but my question then and now is how do I do that??? Do I card people????
Since that time I have seen alot of comments from the likes of Harry Tembenis and the Tim McDonalds, people who have no vested interest other then they want to see a vibrant ORH like myself. At the same time, I can understand how some might not want to identify themselves, which is fine. Maybe they are shy or maybe they are at work, but why would elected officials who insist on transparency in governement not put up a post??? Not one elected official has ever put a post on this blog, so does that mean not one elected official has ever read this blog.....
What truly confuses me, however, are the "anonymous" posts from people, who actually work at the airport? Seriously, if I worked and believed in the airport and knew of this blog, I would check this blog every day to check the facts, dispel any falsehoods and leave comments with my phone, e-mail and cell phone.
Bottom line is that it amazes me that "powers to be", who have a vested interest in ORH, do not realize how much support that they could actually gather from wackos like us on this blog . Think about it, we were actually excited to simply see a charter from JetBlue land and take off from ORH. Maybe hereine lies the problem???
The people in charge who do not know how to build alliances within the community, how can we expect them to attract an airline? Instead they hide behind Airport Commission minutes and consultants and blame the rest of us for not supporting them?? Maybe it is their job to sell the benefits of ORH to us so we can support them, versus remaining "anonymous"??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I agree, I would think the city would want to meet with any group of citizens in favor of a succesful ORH. Maybe we should try again and meet with the managers office again, what do you think?
Last time we tried that we had to submit our questions in advance, many of them were not answered and the meeting ended by us beinig told no to tell anyone what was discussed...
If we were invited, however, for a Q & A session by the Airport Director, I would attend but 1) I would not submit my questions in advance, 2) I would expect all questions to be answered and 3) everything would be posted on this blog.
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