Airport Commission meeting tonight at 6:30PM. If anyone could attend that would be great.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
That JetBlue charter doesn't look so impressive anymore.
May I submit Exhibit A of MassPort's failure, Your Honor?
If I was on the ORH board, I would have only two questions for this Michael Bolton fellow: "How much and when can you start?"
He could have a better name, however.
The terminal at Westover needs some improvement, but they have monster potential. The facilities that they have, the runway sizes leaves unlimited potential. Also, the military provides ARFF services and I believe the state police and military police provide security so there are 2 huge cost saving factors. Plus the surrounding industrial parks produce huge aviation related potential.
I too agree that Westover's terminal is comfortable but is showing its age. It is quite modern but they have invested $0 in it since it was built in 1990. Some new carpet and paint would probably make it look brand new (I suspect that the investment would be under $15,000).
It also helps that planes land at their airport. You know, the kind that carry passengers... to places other than AC, NJ.
took skybus from westover last month after waiting for years for orh to get back up and running.
i too remember the packed worcester terminal back before the glass palace was built.
westover was very nice. the parking was free, a chicopee police officer doing rounds pulled his cruiser over and helped me get my bags out of the trunk, and the terminal was just the right size. it was small enough that i could walk around without missing my flight, but i could also get a snack from the food stand.
i suggest going back to the old terminal at orh. i know it sounds crazy, but it worked.
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