Downtown Main Street program in Nebraska, click here.
Chamber raises 158,000 in travel vouchers to recruit an airline in Salem, Oregon, click here.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Why don't we try this?
Maybe you should ask Dick Kennedy? These are the types of pro-active things a strong Chamber of Commerce should be doing.
After hours events are sport teams are nice extras but should not be the core mission of any Chamber.
Paulie says they wouldnt even return his e-mail or phone calls regarding an after hours roadrace in downtown Worcester. So much for after hours events.
Who was the guy who wanted to bring Grand Prix racing to downtown back in the 90's. Idea just seemed to die.
Then there is the guy who runs the Summer Nationals who threatened to leave town a few years.
Who would have ever thought we could fill all the hotels for 25 miles around on a 4th of July weekend in Worcester?
Having listened to the Jordan Levy Show he said it best.
You can't make change or expect others to do it for you.
You should go down to the Chamber, attend Council meetings, make contacts, network, and in the case of the airport attend commission meetings , and actually meet with the people at the airport. They may be people willing to listen to new ideas.
Let's not assume everyone is arrogant and degrading
most of the cats posting here are guys doing it..I have attended with Bill Randall many neighborhood biz meetings and know that Bill has been quite active in my biz hood..I have been part of local Earth Days spending my own money to haul away trash..paid out of my own pocket for trees on Chandler, baskets and flower pots..attend a weekly Canal District meeting and an occasional hood biz meeting..being positive is one thing.not being realistic about what is happening is a sure path to bankruptcy mate and I have no plans for to some of the cats who have put up their life savings recently based on a lot of the happy hoss shit being thrown out in the disguise of "Being Positive" and see what they have to say after they went belly up and quite a few is great you are being bizness men & women always keep both eyes open:>)
B Positive:
Nobody is more positive then I. I could sit here and tell you all the things I have done in the City of Worcester , but who cares and it is a waste of time.
I am a realist. There is nothing negative about what I am saying. We have an airport with tons of potential and it is being wasted. We have a Univercity Partnership in place to tap into the non-profits and it has done nothing. We have a Chamber of Commerce and it does nothing.
Business people are the most postive people in the world, but we demand results. Pointing out the lack of results is neither positive or negative.
Bill Randell
PS Paulie is on a roll
Kennedy is the guy to get real pledges from the business community. He tried once before with DJ Air and couldnt get it done.
B Positive, this is more of the Rah Rah Rah team spirit BS, that basically says if you're not with us then you're being negative We're not High school cheerleaders who have to keep cheering after watching repeated failures, waste, and mismanagemnt. These god dam rah rah rah pow wows remind me of a typical Amway Convention, only the starter kits cost teh taxpayers a hell of a lot more than $99.95
Attend Airport commission meetings? To what end?. To find out that Clint Eastwood is going to do a Dirty harry movie shoot in his newest release called "Airport of The Living Dead"
Attend council meetings? Ask the Worcester Municipal Reasearch Bureau how effective that is. Speak to counciloors, they're all sold out to labor, except Konnie.
Meet with the people at the airport? First they have to be found and secondly available. For months bloggers here have been looking for Mr Waldron and Mr Niddrie. Cant meet what you cant find. Trying to find or speak with key airport personnel is futile and if located the scripted response to any inquiries is "We cannot discuss that in public."
Afterall, gov't workers are always positive. I'd always be positive, too.....Lifetime employment at good wages and superb benefits, only work 43 or 44weeks a year, and no goals or objectives to meet.
And also ....those gub'ment workers who are so postive about the city.....too many of them live in the suburbs.......where Paulies Pajama People are no where to be found
I heard from an unreliable source that the scuttle butt in Fed'l Sq. is that the Hanover will miss it's opening deadline(s?).
Is this something (either meeting or missing the deadline)that the Chamber s/b center stage on?? Arent evenings at theater usually planned weeks in advance...esp ....... gala grand openings?
Afterall if have to take a Saturday night off from the Red Baron to attend teh gala opening, I need a months notice at least.......esp. if it's going to be around Easter time when i esp. like imbibing JahngerMeister with my fellow chrsitians.
prediction: Home Depot closes...I have been there nightly for the past year and am at many all over the state..the HD in Worcester is as quiet as the Worcester Library..they just started closing early on Sunday nights..
I have no idea if a HD has ever closed anywhere but I was very surprised when that supermarket on Grafton Hill closed ( not on Bill's List) my surprise has been used is definitely a low performing HD.
Our reps keep making the city comfortable for non productive citizens and their social engineers and this is what happens...the productive move in and the unproductive take over.
the above should read "the productive move out"
Pledges to DJ air--are you kiddin me?? I knew that there was no chance that DJ air would ever get off the ground, never mind pledge money for them. Now lets suppose we had JetBlue considering ORH with shuttles to JFK then we could get people to pledge monies to a travel bank.
By the way I never knew that he tried to get pledges. Never heard this in the press or in the airport minutes?? Also maybe the business community is smarter then you think since DJ Air never did get off the ground.
B-positive, you need to b-realistic.
On a sad note, Henry's Hobby House, formerly of downtown Worcester and on Route 12 in West Boylston burned down tonight (February 20) along with a real estate agency and TJ's Pizzeria...
Unfortunately I was attending a function at the Manor and witnessed the whole thing. :-(
Jahn: It was the Photakis family who own the Owl Shop that wanted to bring Formula One racing to Worcester.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Is that the same mall the has the the golf store in it with Macdonalds in the parking lot?
Yes, that is the mall...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
The pledges need to come before the airline inquires...not after depending on who it is.
For a long time, DJ Air had a much better chance of getting off the ground than look who is flying. How the heck are you supposed to know which one would get financed? It seems to me that you didnt know that DJ Air and Skybus were both very serious & credible...but how could you? They were both very secretive for competitive reasons.
Dick Kennedy, you and anyone else in ORH shouldnt be at all concerned about predicting an airline's corporate success. Sure, get some expert opinions...but community activists should focus on the community activity of getting real revenue incentives together, not airline forecasting.
The community needs to line up revenue incentives NOW, along with the other pieces that have been mentioned before. If you try to reverse-engineer it when/after an airline inquires, it will take too long and the competition for airlines' service is too fierce among the hundreds of U.S airports to rely on Dick Kennedy to put something together under the gun.
Good points. You saying, however, that putting together a travel bank before airline inquiries.
Maybe we should be doing that now, right?
Reading back over my post it sounded a little more harsh than I intended. So apoligies for was meant to sound more positive.
But yes, I agree that revenue incentives should be pursued now in and outside of the City of Worcester. It is the #1 way to attract an airline to serve an airport.
What should we do? Do we just call the Chamber or Choose Worcester and tell them that we would like to help with a travel bank?
Can you try that?
I can.
How come we don't read about ideas like this in the paper.
I don't gamble so the gambling charter does not interest me as a consumer. Other than that the story in the paper about general aviation does nothing for me as a consumer that may fly out on a commercial flight once or twice a year .
I can fly out of Providence fairly cheap and at relatively little inconvienience. I'm sure travelers in the nothern and western reaches of the Worcester Airport service area are just as well served by Manchester, Bradley, Boston.
Not an "Aviation" expert but if the airport cannot attract or keep an airline like Allegiant that has no other competition at the airport, then there's a reason they're not staying.
Sell to private iterests and move on. Beating on a dead horse ain't gonna make it whinny!
My two cents (after inflation)
Harry, I was told back in early January by a group of very regular Wednesday customers that the Manor is now closed on Wednesdays ( as well as Mon & Tues).
Maybe the bar & restuarant are closed but function hall is still open on Wednesday?
The group is having a hard time duplicating the atmosphere of the Manor which they very much enjoyed. Last week they went to Dino's but still miss their Wednesdays at the Manor.
I have Lionel trains some of which were bought at Henrys on Front St eons ago.
You are 100% right that is why we need to privatize the airport, which means outright sell or long-term lease. Instead of just talking to Massport, however, we should be talking to airport mgmt companies, other airport authorities, airlines, cargo companies and anyone else.
Yes, I was at the manor for a private function. They are completely renovating the restaurant portion of it , hence why it is closed those other days...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
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