I have way too much fun with this blog and have met alot of great people, who I have never met? Harry Tembenis is helping with a fundraiser for Forge Works Farm, you can read below in Harry's own words. I believe Harry mentioned the cost was $35, my wife and I will be going and I hope to see some others from the blog.
OK folks … tired of a dormant downtown? … streets rolling up at 05:00pm? Do you want to breathe life into the downtown area and generate some economic spinoff while helping a worthwhile cause? Then come on down to the Dzian gallery on Water Street on April 19 from 06:00-09:00pm for good food , music , drinks & conversation for a fundraiser in my son’s memory with proceeds going to Ride With Pride at Forge Works Farm
The event will have a Mediterranean/Greek/Middle Eastern feel and will most likely sell out so get your tickets early by calling the gallery or stopping by and picking them up beforehand. Hippotherapy or therapeutic horseback riding therapy was started by Alexander the Great back in Ancient Greece to help recover soldiers wounded in battle. The Germans perfected this type of therapy back in the 1960’s and it is an accepted medical practice in the European community for neurological, behavioral and various physical handicaps. We are blessed to have such a facility such as this available in Central Massachusetts, let alone New England.
This type of therapy helped my son tremendously with his autism and I witnessed it help many children/young adults with cerebral palsy, MS ,Autism, stroke victims, etc. So come on down and help a worthy cause while rubbing elbows with yours truly!
Harry Tembenis
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
WOW!!! Having re-read my own words, I must say ... the only promoter of events better than me is Don King!
Bill, I can't wait to meet you and your lovely wife. Jahn , Paulie, et al ... I'm taking attendance that night ...
Hope to see you all there!
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
...PS .... don't forget to hear me make my radio debut on Jordan Levy's show today ... sometime after 4:00pm...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
I drink a lot..reason I am on my way down to the Hibo right now for a pint of Guinness...how does one get tickets?
I have worked with the May Institute (organization involved with autistic kid's) in the past-it as a beneficiary of one of my past events.
Glad to know that you derive so much pleasure from mine and Jahn's agony over low income housing and our banter that comes with this agony:>) At least you are not telling us to move if we are not happy:>)
I e-mailed Dzian and told them I want two tickets, but I have not heard back from them yet. I will follow up as soon as I do.
You can either call the gallery direct 508-831-1106 , ask for Lisa or Dave ...tell them I sent you ...or I can pick them up for you and we could meet to exchange tickets/funds. My uncle actually owns a car repair shop near you ... Takis Auto Repair at 73 Bellevue Street ... he is a European trained mechanic and has an almost cult like following among customers with foreign owned, primarily European but Japanese, too ...cars. He has never had to advertise as he has such a tremendous word of mouth following. So yes, businesses are surviving and thriving around you.
...and I do enjoy your rants as well as Jahn's ... I may not always agree with them, but they do need to be said ... after all, this is America after all!
Be well...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
PS ...if you do have a foreign car that needs repair, go see Taki and tell him I sent you...
PPS ... Bill, same goes for you on the ticket front...
put me down for a donation for $100.00
If you e-mail me the address - I will send a check.
I would be interested as to what I rant about that you disagree on and the snippets you may agree on...as for Taki Auto...yes a good contributing local business and we do have them down here on Chandler. Unfortunately, these good business's have lately been overshadowed by a number of violent crimes out of a few on the strip and issues I am quite bothered about and hope the local Biz group I am part of looks into...any thoughts Bill??
I don't think these rash of violent crimes out of the two restaurants and hair salon are helping Suney's?? I chatted with two cats the other night down at the Hibo who stated ovah a pint that they would not take their family's there anymore cause of the violence recently.
I don't blame them as I am hearing the same things from folks about renting my apartments..
Great event but I would think you would want to have it at a handicapped accessabile venue that is licensed to hold functions
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