Dick thank you very much, I removed some of your and my comments since it got kind of confusing but I think I finally got it???? Looking at last years (2007) fiscal report on the airport:
Fees 590,956
Misc 243,133
Intergovernmental 592,594 (Massport Subsidy from the Previous fiscal year 2006)
Total 1,426,683
Salaries & Benefits 1,251,211
Maintenance 1,032,216
Debt Service 664,018
Total 2,947,445
Total Loss 1,520,760
I have changed this about 10 times, but I am starting to think Dick 100% right. For fiscal 2007 it cost the City of Worcester 1,520,760 from the general fund and MassPort 592,594. How the hell the 592,594 was arrived at, I have no idea?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
All I want to know is what's the guy's name on first base...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
How many employees we got up there?
If 10 employees it's costing us $125,000 per employee.
If 12 employess, it's costing us $100,000 per employee.
Does anyone now wonder we're goiong broke up there?
These city gigs are absolutley out of control from a fiscal perspective............then there always the question of how much work is actaully done?
I had so many numbers going back and forth, I did not want to bring that up. That said, I was thinking the same thing.
Salaries and benefits of approximately $1.25 million!!!! That is unreal.
You need employees to handle all that passenger volume, pointing passengers in the right direction, and assisting with baggage. Oh, wait...
If we're talking about the 2007 results, why are you including both 2006 and 2007 payments from Massport?
Check your reference and you'll see the money was transferred from the general fund.
Dick I think you are 100% right the more I look and think about this and I have made changes.
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