Highly recommend next time you are in Bostonat dusk (7PM to 8:25PM) . Our conducktor, Seargeant Meatball, was awesome and had an incredible knowledge of Boston and the history of the entire route. In addition he looked and sounded slightly similarity in appearance to one Paul Collyer.
Lastly I did not see one low income housing development by a CDC during the whole route, instead the route was litered with high end condo and rental projects. I did see, however, several spray parks including one behind Faneuil Hall.
If Paulie was driving a duckboat, the name of the boat would be "Silken Pajama"...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
I love you Harry..was reading the story in the T&G ..Carol asked "is that our Harry?":>)
I have never been on one of the duckboats..but I am at the Science Museum all the time watching the crowds get on em'
It is amazing Wild Will that you, me and many other see this but our leaders do not.
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