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Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
how do you check on that wild will
I have a free program called statcounter. It is easy to download and add to your blog
I would just like to add that I enjoy reading this & many of the other blogs about Worcester. I can see some momemtum building & I think alot fo the credit goes to you Bill.
You meant to say "BILL"-ding momentum , didn't you ?!?!??!
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
How come you didn't mention businesses EXPANDING in Worcester?
I went to Sano/Living Earth yesterday for lunch and the restaurant was CLOSED FOR RENOVATION. I asked what's going on and the clerk told me the restaurant was expanding and wouldn't be open for another 6 weeks!
I did end up going up the street and found Buddha's Delight (I think that's what it's called) across from Donut Cafe II (best coconut donuts in the city!) and it was REALLY good for a vegetarian restaurant.
Harry Tembenis
Subway on Chandler Street closed for renovations also. But they will not be done in 6 weeks.
This looks to be up your alley:
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Comings & Goings.....
Add to the Park Avenue ever changing landscape, rumors of a Stop & Shop at Diamond Chevrolet site (a change to last winters rumors about a Wally World).
Is S&S a new rumor or old rumor that I just never heard?? Is that parcel large enough to house a S&S or a WW?
Diamond is then Moving out to the site of Millbury Ford? Is Millbury Ford moved/closed/gone?
Net gain or net loss for Worcester?
Afterall, all this low income housing that has little/no parking is evidently planned for those w/o cars. It only seems to follow they will need a market nearer to the low income housing?
I was out of town & out of state yesterday.....550 miles worth of interstate highway travel. I am sure some were happy they didnt have to see any of this yesterday................................................... or didnt have to share in my Worc optimism yesterday. Anyway, I passed site after site after site of interstate highway work...bridge crews, paving crews, guard rail crews.......ne'er a detail cop anywhere in sight and I am talking about a 2 lane interstate with one lane closed down.
Of course on my way out of town I passed by the Rte 146/290 interchange job....some work being done there...i saw 2 staties...maybe 3....cant tell for sure as they are often incognito behind tinted windows of an unmarked car (maybe reading & snoozing?)
Anyone catch Devals NON-fix for police details...what a ++++'ing joke.
Re some other post of yesterday, I see some ideas of getting together a few thousand signatures (5000 specifically) to stop the on slaught of Low Income housing. proabably just a coincidence as teh 5000 figure was just a number kind of tossd out there for discussion.........but let us not forget that it only takes 5000 city employees (and their significant others?) to control the city via their votes for the council and the school committee. (Granted, not all 5000 live in Worcester)
The city is a financial Titanic headed for the rocks.
Speaking of comings & Goings......Recently appt'ed city treasuser moves on to Fallon Clinic...........interesting........very interesting........going to let that 80% pension go???.....after how many years on the job???...unusual....very unusual..........dittos for Prankevicius's departure last year to Massport.........of course he probably has pension portability at Massport.....
BTW S&S was also rumored at Park & Chandler about 10 yrs ago but Walgreens got that site or part of it anyway
west side killed it...shadows on the Beaver Brook Park ball fields was one of the arguments-still have the newspaper clippings:>)about 7 years ago Senor Jahn...lot still sits-one of the biggest lots at one of the biggest intersections in the city..
I say we put another pocket park here
Jahn, as far as I know, Millbury Ford Mercury is still at the same site in Auburn and still going strong. Well at least it's still open at the site. I don't think any car dealerships are doing to good these days unless you retail cars with 30 + miles to the gallon.
Dave Z:
Millbury Ford is doing well last I heard also. know of another dealership Burlington Dodge, there were doing very well.
Corporate, however, no longer wants the one family ownership dealership no matter how well they are doing.. Now they are placing ridiculous requirements when their franchise renews to make them get out.
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