I went over to Southie and parked the car at the L Street beach. They have a great walk there called the harborwalk, highly recommend it. About mile, mile and 1/2 in you can reach the point and Fort Independence. After the Fort, there is a place to grab a hot dog and drink--Sullivan's.
Only bad thing about the walk is that every 30-45 seconds a plane flies right over on their approach to Logan. Actually get use to the sound, but during my walk I saw more planes land in Boston then have landed the last 5 years at ORH.
No lie I saw 6, maybe 7, Cape Air shuttles.
don't you understand that comparing ORH to Logan is like comparing Denny Doyle to Mickey Mantle...don't you know Boston is the state capitol, is along water...actually has a higher percentage of folks who give a shit?? Come on Wild Will!
Now how many planes flew in and out of Utica? This is what we want to know..the hell with shooting for the starz...lets shoot for below the waist..come on Will!
BTW..is it just me but wouldn't Woostah do a wee bit bettah if our Congressman dealt with our collapsing city and left Darfur to the Dafurians??? He doesn't want us in Iraq but he would condone us in Darfur??? I am very confused!
Three words - Cape Air Shuttle.
We have been saying this for years. Now that they have code sharing with JetBlue it is a no brainer.
Pualie, our esteemed congressman has been dubbed Jim (Havana Jim) McGovern due to his frequent trips to Cuba to break bread with Fidel Castro. Havana Jim (HJ) claims they are trade missions. He may also frequent South America looking for Nuns who havent been heard from in years.
A presidentila order s/b implemented barring legislators from traveling to foreign copuntries and gettign involve din foreigh affairs.
Thank you Mr Nemeth for reading my blog yesterday and making the Worc 7 (now the Worc 6...soon to be the Worc 26?) the lead story in todays T&G. IMO, FBI s/b doing this WPD audit and not the city or police dept auditors. This notion of alleged police wrongdoings shouldnt be investigated internally.
Haven't state legislators lost their pensions for criminal conduct whilst on the job? Tom Finneran........Jackie Bulger & others??
T&G reports today that HJ was on Preston St yesterday with city leaders bemoaning all the foreclosed 3 deckers in the area..........but what HJ doesnt realize and the T&G fails to report is that his funding for CDC's has caused the 3 decker rental market to go down in flames........or be rented to the likes of your Pajama People.
Did I read about a 2:00a.m. fight over the weekend at Winfield and Mason Sts?....Possible Spill over from the old Numbers club??
Rumor has it next Sundays T&G will dub Bill a "Silly Boston Expert" [g]
Anyone catch the Globe Pp. 1 today.....seems Deval has legislstion that will make certain Mass agencies/authorities more financially "answerable' to him............can say I read it all.......but is Massport included.....masspike evidently is....possible effects on Worc & Massport??
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