I just deleted some comments from Will. I am not going to allow people to attack other people hiding behind a clown's picture. This is not the Telegram on-line comment section.
If you want to be factually critical of someone that is fine, but you can not be anonymous.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Speaking of clowns, where has Jahn been lately? He is majorly M.I. A !!! Just kidding, Jahn !!!!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
I don't know what all the fuss was about in the previous thread... Kelly Sq Pizza has the best late night pizza over Willy's Wigwam & Freshway !!!
Just think about the classic Seinfeld episode with the Frogger game ... " The perfect amount of pizza grease on the joystick..."
...although somehow , I just think I gave Paulie a straight line...
Harry T
Worcester, MA
The voice of reason... Hey, where has Jahn been? We lose Jahn but get Will. This is like trading Sparky Lyle for Danny Cater.
Went to my first Tornadoes game tonight. Great time other then some real weirdos working the Mass Shriners table.
Yeah those guys... watch out for them...any Chamber of Commerce will tell 'ya that when their conventions roll into town, the nudie bars do a banner business!!!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Harry have you had Wig Wam? The new Wig Wam in Billings Sq? I don't believe it. I mean Kelley Sq pizza is only slightly better than Golden's. It's greasy Greek pizza. Nothing special at all. Wig Wam is actually something different and special and really good!
Not the T&G?
It sure as heck reads like it.
Will's funny, you're not.
You take yourself too seriously.
Will rules!
PS Hey let's see your pic Bill.
Will is funny.
Bill is boring.
If you are buyin' (Wigwam Pizza) , I am tryin' ...
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Don't laugh I love Wigwam Pizza but it closed on Canterbury Street, but where is Billings Square?
It's at the Grafton hill rotary, where Hamilton and Grafton Street come together...where the old AV Pizza used to be. Fred Willis (I believe) ownes it, he being of former Willy's BBQ in Westboro...Willy's Steak House in Shrewsbury, too.
Harry T
Worcester, MA
you all got to try my buddies place in Harvard Square..Pinicchio's:>)
BTW...we got some real sensitive lads out here...I like Will I & Will II....lot of cats like to give but rarely can take a punch..I think Will II can take a punch:>)
When am I getting my Paulie's Portah??
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