Maybe it was Jahn, who said the the problem for Rovezzi's was that the City of Worcester does not have enough people who want to frequent an upper scale restaurant like this.
Tonight and tomorrow night, my wife, daughter and I have come down to Boston right on Faneuil Hall. Real nice and I have walked around here at noon, this afternoon and at night. I simply amazed by the number of people.
When all the projects are done on May Street, the Burwick Furniture Building, Piedmont Street, Mason-Winfield, Grand Street, Armory and whatever low income projects that are on the drawing are done (trust me there are more this is big business), nothing will improve. We are literally talking 100 million dollars.
RKG said 6 years that we need to build upscale housing and to stop the over reliance on CDC's and low income housing. They were so right. When will anyone listen??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
My question (and hope) has always been that eventually they will run out of sites to build this dense land use type of housing.......but that maybe be a pipe dream........b/c they can just set their sights on a particualr site/building and can offer the owner so much money ( from Washington & Beaconhill)....that any owner would be foolish not to sell for the inflated prices they can offer.....add to that the current housing bust..........and they'll prob have more opportunites then ever.........altho I am not nec. opposed to rehabbing existing 3 deckers...........
Let us also not forget thet same report recommended "thinning out" of the 3 decker neighborhoods.........what have we done just the oppposite.......42 units of housing with no parking on May st at Silver st.......INsanity !!........(again another consultants report/study ignored/deep six'ed) .........
try as a private builder getting a variance for one parkng space for a single family home.........well it takes and act of God to get the variance.........but the CDC 's basically just ask......and then receive according to their wishes.
wait until the fire trucks cannot make it up Silver St some January night when there is 4 ft of snow windrows on both sides of the street and cars are parked every which way..............Phil (Shopping Cart)Palmieri will blame DPW.....
Ok Kate........what do you have to say about this over abundance of housing for Paulie's Pajama People? We all know you stop by here ocassionally.....give us "silly blogers" the credibility we deserve. Are there any yellow boxes out in the south easterly extremities of Worcester? Or are they brown now? {g}
Baltimore re-build the inner harbor.
Providence has the water-fire festival.
Worcester is uncovering a storm drain.
(This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?)
Wow. I have been to Rovezzi's a half dozen times for dinner & another half dozen just to sit at the bar. I was always under the impression they did a real good business.
The overhead on a business like this is huge and it needs to be busy all the time. I also suspect that maybe the lease was coming up for renewal.
If the landlord was unreasonable, there is no way Rovezzi would sign a long-term lease and probably decided it was not worth it.
I am saying this since I believe that was what happened to Tianno's before Rovezzi's also.
For a while in the mid 1990's it seeemed the city would finally break out of its downward funk. Ten years later any of the upscale new retail (Barney's, Saks 5th, Polo,etc.-outlets but good quality nonetheless)or restaurants- Charlie's at Greendale Mall, El Morocco, Legal Seafoods,etc. are long gone.
I spoke with a man on Friday who owns one of the cities last upscale mens stores. He said he is getting ready for the day when his last child finishes school so he can sell the house one town out and head for a place with better prospects. This is coming from a man who is a life long Worc. guy who has a strong affinity for his home town.
We discussed the need to impress upon our kids that there is no real future here unless you want to work in goverment as all of the good businesses have left or are on the way out and no one is coming to take thier place. It is very sad to have this conversation about a city that you have such strong roots in but if I dont get out I will make sure my kids do. (and I'm not talking about moving to Rutland or Shrewsbury.) I used to have a feeling that it would all work out for the best but I'm not so sure anymore.
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