I was just over there, running something over for my mom. The road was being repaved? I swear I do not know how they prioritize this stuff, but I can think of about 100 roads that are in worse shape. One of my latest worst streets in the city of Worcester is Birch Street between Maywood and Oliver.
Also how about the sidewalk on Main and Pleasant Street, is that City money and was there anything wrong with the sidewalks to begin with? Lastly lots of work going on at 915 Pleasant Street.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill 3 yrs ago I was so ticked when I saw strret that was in decent shape being resurfaced that Actually called DPW and asked how can you guys be doing that street while others are in much worse shape.
Answer: was that they thought they were getting it done for a good price which is 100% BS b/c it was the city paving crew doing it and city buys that asphalt in bulk by bid every year so they pay the same for asphlt material if it's a mile stretch of road job or a patching crew job. BTW the city paving crew, from what I see, does work that leaves a bit to be desired. Paving work s/b left to those who do it full time and even then you can still find screw ups like puddles in front of catch basins or joints that are not properly raked or bad bumps where one days work leaves off and the next days work starts.
Take a ride over 290 WB overpass before Kelly Sq. .....as part of the 146 project that part of 290 was cold planed recently and now being re paved. When you leave the bridge deck and hit the new pavemnet there's a bit of a jolt b/c someone didnt rake out teh joint there properly.
Reality is that politics plays a huge role in who gets their street done & when. A powerful city player moved onto a street that I know of and immediately the street weas re-paved a number of years ago.
Run the names from teh tax rolls of who lives on Mower St....see if any names that may have some clout pop out at you. Keep in mind these decisions are made a few years in advance as to who gets paved & when.
File under Blackstones
Drive Birch Street from Maywood to Oliver.
Found out after my original post that it was not so much the road itself but water pipe issues that caused the replacement of Mower.
Next month we will be back on the airport.
Great to see the city is going to get a local tenant in that troubled property up on Cooppage Dr in the Airport park.
I'll bet the co gets a great deal on it, which is prob better than letting it sit empty or partially empty.
The water main break a few weeks back was something to see and it did wash out the side of the road. Glad to know they're fixing the pipes. It does mess up the traffic pattern, though.
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