I just went on Gabe's blog again it is good stuff, you need to read. Noticed after trying to post some comments that Gabe has "comment moderation". Basically he needs to approve comments ,before they post.
I have never done this ,but this may change. Yesterday and today I deleted about ten comments from Will from Wonderland, aka Chris, aka anonymous--all the same person. Basically he calls me a hypocrite and asks why do I do this since there are only 5 people reading this blog, while attacking various city councilors personally.
He keeps trying to post it time and time again, while making other disparaging comments about me. My mother in law is in town and I have had pretty much my fill of disparaging comments this week.
Do not expect everyone to agree with me, in fact it is actually more fun when people disagree and make some real good arguements. In the end I may need to add "comment moderation".
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I love using sitemeter to determine who your lurkers might be or at least where they originate from.
Nothing wrong with moderation to keep out a shite stirrer who is just looking to cause headaches.
I did it because of spam.I had some dude that was posting links in spanish. I mean I don't even know what those links are you know?
Vague threats towards someone's employment is a far greater sign of cowardice than anonymity.
I wasn't threatening anyone's job. I will change that part of the post to make sure nobody thinks that.
The basic comment moderation question you should ask is, "Is this a blog or a bulletin board?"
What is the difference between a blog and a bulletin board?
Please accept my apology then Bill, context is easily lost online.
Don't worry about it.
PS I have had to add comment moderation, sorry.
Bill, nothing to be sorry about for adding comment moderation. I love your blog and your enthusiasm for trying to make the city a better place even if I've been one to chastise you in the past for being too negative. LOL
Although some of us post regularly and others choose not to, I think lots of folks read what we “silly bloggers” have to say within the city's inner circle. Keep up the good work.
Dave Z:
Here is some positive news. Just finished my 4th duplex in the InCity of Worcester on the corner of Kingsbury/May Street.
Did without one penny of your tax money and sold it to two really nice hard working first time home buyers.
Right now I am done building in the InCity. The bedroom and sewer fees are too high and the market is just not there in this area of the city.
It was a rhetorical question.
Moderation is usually necessary, once you run into any problems. Whether it's a blog, or a forum, ...even going back to the newsgroup days... this sort of thing has always ended up being an issue, sooner or later.
Dredging up an old saw: "All things in moderation, including moderation."
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