I like the guy. Do I know everything that he is doing in New Jersey? No, I do not..... At the same time I love the guy's attitude.
If he was our Mayor he would say that instead of a $2,000,000 dollar tax increase , he was going to privatize custodial services. Just like they did in Springfield and as the Worcester Municipal Research Bureau recommended we should do.
That is they type of thinking we need.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
To Nick K and who ever it was who wrote the other story earlier this week:
Re: Recent stories in T&G about the $100,000 Club in Worcester, i.e. city employess earning 100,000+ annually.
The story earlier thsi week and the story today (June 3) both have a huge omission in them.
Today the top bean counter at school dept claims many of the $100,000+ Club in the school dept only met the $100,000 threshold figure b/c they had an extra pay period in 2009.
The typical max'ed out teacher in Worc in 2009 made $70,000 give or take $1000-$2000. On an annnualized basis this is easily over $100,000 for most of the teachers as they are max out in about 7-9 years.
I would assert that based on hours actaully worked many teachers are making the annulaized equivalent of $110,000 to $120,000.
Also what the school dept bean counter also fails to mention is that all thsoe school dept folks who really only made in the high 90's in 2009 will in fact join the $100,000 club in 2010 after their 2-3% 2010 raise comes through and even more for those who receive a step increase.
The reailty is that in Worc when discussing salaries on an ANNUALIZED Basis (which is what the school dept is citing in todays story)..that the City has more like 2000 employees hauling home 100 large. ThATS PROABBLY 40% of the city work force.
And that fellow over on the other Gov. Christie thread is advocating for more taxes in NJ?
Absolutely clueless.
I should also add that very,very, very few; if any people who make $100,000 per year are working a mere 40 hours per week.
Bottom line.............government salaries are overly generous.......then of course there's the added bennies that go on ad infinitum........so why then does it always seems that it's firefighter, cops, and teachers who are always whining.
Noiw I am really going to PO some folks. Hospital RN's are also becoming a bunch of whiners........Umass Med center........and I know thsi for a fact in 2008.......3 day ,36 hour work week is good for $106,000 per year..........plus all teh state beennies that go with.
Soryy to PO so many folks, but someone has to start to see the light..and No I am not a $5M per hedge fund operative
I have to kind of chuckle to myself when I read in yesterdays T&G (6-3) about the latest Great Brook Valley Make over.
Mr Mariano says they now have grass and trees. The reality: They had grass and trees prievioulsy ( maybe not as much or as many) and they were destroyed. Roaming deer must have eaten the bark??
Mr Mariano says crime is down 60 & 80% over the last 4 years. The reality: Todays T&G reports GBV's apparent worst gang banger was just sentenced to 19 years and it is probably only a matter time before another GBV gang leader steps into his shoes.
The article states interior stairways were moved to teh exterior of the buildings eliminating common area making more space availble in the apts. The reailty: Drug dealing/use was rampant in the former interior enclosed stairways so they did away with the interior common area stairways and replaced them with exterior stairways. Kinda of analogous to making certain city streets one way in a veiled attempt to reduce crime. How about we just pop the bad guys and lock em up vs spending millions in infrastructure improvements in an attempt to stop urban crime.
Mr Mariano says cameras & add'l lighting have been installed in an attempt to dissaude criminals. The reality: If the valley is going have less crime as the result of a makeover, why bother with security cameras and mor elighting?
Another reality: GBV got a complete makover in the early 1980's I knew constr guys who worked on it then. Major upgrades to the heating system(s) and teh GBV Garden units had their flat roofs replaced with more traditional residential like gabled, pitched roofs. Sooooooooooo...how'd that work out for changing GBV for the better from the early 80's until the present????
An Add'l reality: In the mid 1970's they built a city swimming pool off of Clark st so it would be nearby GBV. Again I knew guys in the buildng trades who worked on it. It was all fenced in during constr. What happened?? Some rascals stole all the tools one night.
I hate to think it, but it would be very ironic if this summer on the new Joseph Carlson Way GBV expreinces its first violent crime(s).
Bottomline folks....once again it i snot about newly constructed, beuatiful looking environs. It is all about the peopel.
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