Telegram story from January or 2008. According to the story, they were to break ground in March of 2008. Two and half years later, they have not only not broken ground but have yet to pay $1 for this 11 acre parcel, not to mention maintaining the parcel and paying property taxes.
Did I say 11 acres!!! Just sitting here now for nearly 2 1/2 years.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Worc. Trains & Planes
Out of curiousity, I just checked Massport s website to see if any upgrades have been done re: their recent addition of our airport to their operations. I dont think they have done anything? If a private business was making such a huge a addition to their "portfolio", I can assure you all the bells and whistles would be in place less than 2 weeks before the Big Day.
More commuter rail trips to & from Union Station. A few days ago it was announced teh details of the deal w/CSX were finalized. Now this morning there are headlines about this being a $100M deal including other commuter rails deals to the South Coast area. What is never asked or thought of is how much more it cost the taxpayers of Mass. to have to pay to CSX for all the linkage and mitigation that has been added to Worcester part of the deal? Surely you dont think CSX is going to eat all those add'l costs?
A T&G blogger has raised the issue that add'l trains will only cannalibize the existing train service ...meaning yes more train trips but the total number of passengers will barely increase. Thoughts?
Jahn said: "A T&G blogger has raised the issue that add'l trains will only cannalibize the existing train service ...meaning yes more train trips but the total number of passengers will barely increase. Thoughts?"
I respectfully disagree with this thought. There are a lot of commuters that work in Boston that would love to use the train. However until the schedule is built out with the additional train service, the departure times don't work with their work day. Plus some of the additional service being planned will be express runs.
And what is also nice about the additional service is that some of the trains will be going to North Station via Kendall Square in Cambridge. This is a huge win for Worcester! It connects our emerging Gateway Park Biotech Center (a 2nd building is about to get underway) with the Kendall Square Biotech center.
Plus with more trains and more commuters in and around Union Station, it can only help area businesses and attract new business to the area. IMHO, once Front Street is reconnected to Washington Square and Shrewsbury Street, this area will be the new downtown hub.
David I hope that the T&G blogger is incorrect, but that person laid out some exacting numbers in their responce on the T&G blog.
I do want to see more people downtown, but agin we have to look at the quality of the peopel and not nec. the numbers. I dare say commuters = workers = folks with dineros in their pockets. Years ago teh same was said about bringing more people with spending money to downtown with Med City, the Centrum, Worc Center, the Fashion Outlets, The Soffan White Tower Pinacle (no hamburgers served), 3 or 4 Common make overs, and other newly erected structures.
<<<<<<<<<<Keeping Fingers crossed and eyes and ears open
David, I am not so sure about our Bio Med Park being connected all that well to commuter rail service? How do people get from Union Station to Bio Med park besides walking? Are there buses running at the right times to pick up de-training passengers? I realize that not every work place can be abutting Union Station...but....??
O.T. I often why Pharma's(not)Here wasnt pushed to locate in bio Med Park vs. the Canterbury St area They are in what could be called the medical filed...right???? Must be that as unyet finished $1.00 purchase price/sale.
Finally a nice weeekend....!!!!!!...........I might head up to Laconia on the 2 wheeler this afternoon. Maybe the old boy will get flashed :)
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