Not on my street
Half-ruined mansion, other neglected houses
I personally know Mr Mullany on Grand Street. He is a very nice old man, who is just completely in over his head. It is also the perfect example of how the City does their job. First and firemost, we need to repect a person's property rights. At the same time, code violation need to be cited. This has been the case with Mr Mullany for years, until finally it reaches the point where you need to petition the Housing Court to tear the house down. Feel bad for Mr Mullany, but the city is doing the right thing..
The house on Salisbury Street??? A nuasance order to paint the house?? If that is all they got on this house then the City has better things to do. Or are we going to start issuing nuasance orders to every house in the City of Worcester that needs to be painted?? Don't get me wrong I can understand how the neighbors feel, but this simply is not an issue this effective group (Amdanda and her team) of people should be wasting their time on. Where does it stop. What if they decide to paint the house a bright purple? Rexhame road did not look real bad either?
Lets compare Salisbury/Rexhame to the empty lot on Mason Street or the lot on Canterbury Street that still has not been taken over by Pharmasphere. These lots are much more of a nuasance and create a financial hardship to the City of Worcester and their citizens.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
I wish Wormie would take cruise by the salt shed at Clark & E Mtn sts , get outta the car, snap a dozen photos and then post them.
Would MAke a great lady Di column also with zero heavylifting/work.
She once wrote column a couple yrs ago about the other guy mentioned in the article on Burncoat st. Maybe time for a deja vu with him too.
Piedmont St?? Here is a chance for the city to say "HEY" we are not giving you a permit or funds until you fix this?? I was late on a water bill years ago... did not pay late fees and when I went for a SIGN permit (at least I pull them but that is another story) they would not give it to me till I paid the fee... not a problem I owed it... but how do we give WCG permits and funds to build when their other property looks like that...
Worse yet the city will sell property to some who are tax deliquents at the time of the sale and these same deliquents in order to qualify to purchse the property will sign documents that their taxes are all paid up.
How does Main South CDc continally pull permits and yet are ALWAYS.......that's ALWAYS behind in their taxes on multiple propertties?
Dont believe me???...... pull up the city treasuers office website and punch in their name.
Dittos for some other favored players in the main south low income real estate arena.
I just clicked on 3 of thei rproperties completely ramdom picks......all 3 have interest racked for the last 3 years.......
Antonio will tell you interest = you dont pay on time pay ....right Shylock???????
And BTW also they will ultimately request the city council waive this interest..........and the city council will waive the interest inspite of the fact Worc is so finacially upside down that it Makes greece look solvent.
OK predictions seem to be the order of the day of late.
I shall go out on a limb and predict editorial(s) and /or letters to the editor taking the city to task for some of the run down ++++ty looking, nuisance properties that they own. What in Gods name is the sense of a nuisance ordinance if the biggest property owner in town (City Worc) is exepmt from the darn ordinacne?
It Makes as much sense as saying I cannot run a bookmaking, poker game, or numbers operation, but the state can.
In fact who even needs a written editorail, just snap a picture of the swimming facilities at Holmes Field ...soon to be known as CSX Park and mail it to Lady Di. ...a picture is worth 100a words......
Nows here's a classic slap in the face to the city of Worcester and maybe, just maybe it's timing is kinda interesting and suspect?
I just took a trip over to T&G web site. Breaking news story this afternoon/evening (Sunday 6-13)....the old swimming complex over at Crompton Park has soil & concrete that is polluted with PCB's. Now this is priceless given the topic of this thread about nuisance private properties in Worc.
BTW, For you St Johns boys, the polluted Crompton Park facility is owned by none other than the city of Worc. I have to wonder if the lack of maintence by the city over the years is the direct, indirect, or proximate cause of these PCB's and where the hell is the city niusance SWAT team on this. Probably the same place they are on the AUD. MIA??
From the city laws:
(a) PURPOSE AND INTENT. It is the purpose and intent of this section to eliminate niusances in the city. Nuisances, such as dilapidated buildings, overgrowth, debris, trash, rubbish, stagnant pools of water, property having defective weather protection, and vacant or abondoned buildings, cause and contribute to blighht within the neighborhoods and commercial areas of the city and adversely affect the property values for adjacent and surrounding property. Such nuisances on property also impair the public health and safety. This ordinance is intended to further the objectives of and act in concert with any existing state or local laws.
This section shall not be enforced against the city........................
Private property owners have to bow at the altar of the nuisnace ordinance............for what GD purpose...so the city can create nuisances an infinitum and not be called on the carpet for it?
So..............what are the chances the spray park had no possiblity of opening on July 1st as planned and all of a sudden PBC's become the convenient whipping boy.
Cant open a skating rink as planned.....cant open spray park as planned.........can we at least get the walking and breathing nuisances off teh Coomon for the summer?
Guess they also scrap the KidZ to Poolz ride program, a tleast for Crompton Park. I'll when Mr & Mrs Crompton were responsible for this park eons ago this kind baloney would never happen.
MMMMMMM.............something funny happened on the way to the Forum this morning. In My 2-3 minute read of Todays T&G
I didnt see this article. Musta got bumped or I was hallucinating.
Am I getting gaslighted today?
Last night (Sunday 6-13) I read a T&G piece about PCBs found at the Crompton Park pool constr site. My memory is that there were 11 comments posted in a short amt of time on this topic by PO'ed T&G bloggers. This Mondays paper (6-14) the article is gone. OK, I can understand a more newsworthy topic(s) trumped this news piece.
But in searching for the article I did find it and it is dated April 29, 2010. What is going on here? I have pasted and copied the artcile below.
Now I posted a kudos on here, I would say a number of weeks ago ( Maybe April 29th?) for the city getting this pool site opened timely for July 1st. This a tad strange. Nick please, what's going here? Bill, can you locate my post on this of a few weesk ago?
Here is the April 29 piece:
Thursday, April 29, 2010
PCB, asbestos delay pool opening
Officials pledge summer debut, but not by July 1
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WORCESTER — Construction of a $2.5 million municipal swimming pool at Crompton Park has run into a delay because of issues associated with the old pool facility, including the abatement of asbestos and caulk containing potentially harmful polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs.
While city officials remain confident that the new pool will open this summer, they are less confident now about being able to meet the planned July 1 opening date.
Robert C. Antonelli, assistant commissioner of parks and public works, said the required abatement of the asbestos and PCBs has delayed the pool project by about two weeks.
He said that has altered what was a very ambitious schedule to start with, to get the new pool completed and open July 1. He said he and Robert L. Moylan Jr., commissioner of public works and parks, are pushing hard to make up for the lost time because of the abatement process, but he acknowledged that meeting the July 1 opening date will be a challenge.
“We’re confident that this pool will be done this year, and we’re still pushing for the July 1 opening as hard as we can,” Mr. Antonelli told the City Council Youth, Parks and Recreation Committee last night. “We knew initially when we moved forward on this that our timeline was rather ambitious.
“At this point in time, I wouldn’t say we’re out of the ballpark or we’re someplace outside where we want to be,” he added. “I have confidence we’re in the ballpark. We will open this pool; we may be a little late, but we’re going to do all we can to open it for July 1.”
The new Crompton Park pool will have an area 6,500 square feet — larger than any of the city’s former municipal pools but smaller than the 8,000-square-foot state-owned Shine Pool in Vernon Hill Park. It will have capacity for 220 bathers, and feature a zero-depth entry, a splash-pad area for toddlers, a slide, three lap lanes, changing rooms, restrooms, outside showers and a picnic area.
No municipal pools were opened this past summer because of their extraordinarily poor condition and city budget constraints.
Mr. Antonelli said the PCBs found at the old pool facility do not pose any kind of airborne health hazard because they are in solid form within the caulking. He said the testing of the concrete that had to be done to determine the extent of the PCB and asbestos levels pushed back the project schedule by about two weeks.
He said that will also result in an additional cost to the pool project, though he did not yet have exact figures.
It is also assumed that the eight other city pools that are no longer in operation will also have issues related to PCBs and asbestos.
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