You are invited to attend an open house I am planning for this Friday, June 18, 2010, 5:30 - 7 pm at 47 Hermon St., Worc., MA. Junction Studios is a planned 22 unit affordable artist workspace development located in a historic mill building and schedule to open in January 2011. If you, or someone you know, are an artist looking for affordable workspace, please make plans to join us this Friday to hear more about Junction Studios. Light refreshments will be provided.
Junction Studios is being developed by Eric Kuczarski, a Worcester, MA based real estate developer and consultant.
Eric K.
Worc., MA
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I will probably get smacked good for this, but Eric please forgive me. Everyone knows my "personality disorder"...which for the sake of discussion some will call cynicism/negativism when it comes to the city of Worcester and money/financial matters. I do it regularly and I take no please it's not about you, it's about what you propose and what my city is morphing into or has already morphed into.
a. Wasnt Tom Hoover talking about an affordable artists "village of sorts" for the general area of the old Burwick Furniture Building/Caravan Coffee/ Sears & Roebuck site at Main and Madison and isnt that site now a gazzillion more low income apts? Too few artists showed up?
b. I have always been perplexed as to why the taxpayers and/or private property owners are some how supposed to subsidize artists living/studio arrangements? Am I being presumptuous here and seeing this as more low income housing hidden beneath the veil of artistry? Will this be built with any government subsidies? FWIW, IMO, 40b is a gov't subsidy
c. How about subsidized living arrangements for me because I like to tinker with and rebuild old cars, but b/c there really isnt any money in it (or little money) I need the city and/or a private dev'er to build me work/living space?
d. Would one be w/in their rights to call MCAD and claim they cannot get a unit at Junction Crossing b/c they're not artists?
e. Please define artists, other than what Daniel Webster says.
f. All savvy business people have alternate plans in place, if their original intent(s) /plans go up In smoke (unless you're BP). If there are not enough artists to move in...then what?
g. If I am not an artist and I do not know an artist, may I still drop by?
h. Isnt this area zoned industrial or manufacturing and not residential. As I understand it, unless you're in a zoning overlay district you cant get a use variance, unless you're going the 40b route. Worc is already at the 14% low income housing benchmark, well above the state mandated 10% minimum. Because you say this planned, I assume nothing has been permitted yet?
1. How many bedroom(s) per unit are planned?
2. Approx sq. ft per unit devoted to living space and studio space
3. How many parking spaces per unit are planned?
4. How many customer parking spaces are planned?
5. Adults only community?
j. Is this the site of the old Killeen Machine Company?
k. Financing all in place?
l. I cant even find a space to park when I visit "++echan++s Bli++"
m. Is this a zero Tolerance Reefer Zone. Just kidding.
I Also meant to ask.
Apts or condos or both?
Affordable...meaning a montthly rental range or a selling price range of??
Do you currently own the site?
I will be there
All very good questions! I'm going to try to go, a lot going on that day for me...
Just artist workspace with a small gallery, no residential component.
Eric K.
Worc., MA
Great, if it's all commercial space. "22 unit affordable artist workspace" had an 'eerie low income housing ring' to me. Raised my BP a bit.
So........the ENTIRE building would be converted to studio space only?
I wish you success.
Is there an artist studio type old factory building down by (the former?) C.K Smith fuel farms beside I 290/ Lincoln St area where they store the school buses?
I'm moving to Worcester in August and am looking for studio space. Is there some way I can contact you about looking at the space when I arrive?
I'm sorry I will miss the open house, will be there the following week finalizing housing (6/20-6/24) any chance we could talk then?
Eric K, is there any plan to clean the grafitti off the building it looks terrible.
i think the city had to take the owner to court over this problem
Who owns the building right now?
Are there any model studio(s) that will be shown?
Maybe I am misunderstanding the term open house? Thats why I thought this entails housing and/or the showing of a model studio unit?
Is there a website I can visit re: this planne dproject?
AS to a graffitti covered building....this sounds like a great proposed project to upgrade an exisitng commercial property, I do however think more written details whould be helpful to any marketing/sales effort???????
Hi All,
Thank you for your interest in Junction Studios.
To be clear, I do not own the property today (thus I can't do things like remove the graffiti now), but I do have an agreement with the current owner to buy the building should I desire to move forward.
As far as getting additional info., please join us for the open house on Friday if you can - I am looking for your feedback and you will be able to see the raw space and the proposed floorplans for the studio spaces. I am also developing a FAQ sheet that will be available on Friday. If you can't attend, all info. will be posted on a TBD website shortly thereafter.
Jahn, I understand your desire for more info. and more information will be made available over the coming weeks as the concept matures. In order to get you more info. I need to hear from you and Worcester artists, residents, etc. what you would like to see in an artist studio workspace. I have purposely chosen to involve the artist and larger community from the concept stage because I believe that the project we can build all working together will be leaps and bounds better then whatever I could dream up alone.....
Please feel free to contact me directly at with your specific thoughts, concerns, comments, questions, etc....
Eric K.
Worc., MA
I am not trying to beat up on anyone, but IMO an open house just seems a bit premature. Again IMO to call this an open house is debatable. Nothing seems to be in hand except some ideas.
Do I like the idea of artists in that general area in an old factory building... yes I do, given the other alternative(s)
FWIW, in case no one figured it out yet, I am also not an artist.
Before my earleir post of thsi morning, I did google "worcester artist studio". I guess we already have 2 places In Worc from what i could see. I think I saw rents in a range of $.40 to $.75/sq ft per month. I was actually looking for a mention of this project. Good to see that you'll get a website up soon. It will only help your efforts.
Were you able to attend last night? Can you give us your thoughts?
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