note this link anonymous sent in.
Allegiant is expecting another strong year ahead. "The world has not ended," Allegiant CEO Maurice is quoted as saying by "It is hard to get that message across." As for growth, ATW reports Allegiant "will add four MD-80s to its fleet in the first half of 2009." And writes Allegiant also "is planning to announce either a new focus city or another service expansion, officials said in a conference call with investors."
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Speculation from the site "My guess: MYRTLE BEACH. Allegiant Air is taking out Direct Air and will offer these flights from the the northern areas." Wouldn't that be a bitch.
Jeff, you have to drive by 2 Hathaway Kilby st I think it is??? prob know it anyway.
2 Hathaway, according the city website, is owned by a William Breault. There is also a William Breault who is an out spoken advocate for for Main South and also a self anointed head of the Main South Public Safety Alliance....or something like that.
Anyway, the sidewalk at 2 Hathway was not shoveled as of yesterday afternoon (Jan 29) ANd it APPEARS it maybe hasnt been shoveled all winter possibly. So much for Main South Public safety...huh..assuming here thsi is the same Wm Breault.
If you can get over there today the silly bloogers of the world would appreciate it. Another photo-op is called for, for this blatant, contiuned, on going violation of PUBLIC SAFETY.
hOW DO THE VOTERS OF Mcgoverns DISTRICT GET HIS ATTENTION AWAY FROM hAVANA, cASTRO , AND cUBA an dback to his congressional district where his attention s/b 100% focused.
Sucking up to a dying, brutal, thug of dictator seems to me at least to be a 100% about face to his lobbying for a Dept of Peace. You want a dept of Peace try visiting the Boston Common every Sept when the annual Hempfest is running. Geeeeeeeeshhhhhhhh
I think you are exactly correct. It will be Mytle Beach.
Allegiant should come back to Worcester, also JetBlue should start flying out of OHR.
You're right anonymous, Jet Blue and Allegiant should fly out of ORH...but they would have to worry about shady anti-government, anti-public safety residents like jahn. Oh, well, he would probably be too busy burning down an orphanage or writing hate mail to the fire dept from his rented apartment to bother them.
Ahhhh, the things that DF could stand for.
Anytime anyone questions the status qou in Worc they are anti -safety, anti gub'mint, orphanage arsonists, hate mailers, or apt. dwellers.
Therefore, Jahn is the cause of the airport being under utilized?? Clearly, logic that can only be attrributed to certain mindsets.
BTW, what is wrong with apt. dwellers?. Maybe b/c many of Worc structure fires are caused by apt dwellers carelessness which means FF'er shave to respond & work.
D.F. .....Ya I cant think of a few things those letters could stand for, but I wont go there.
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