Post from 4-Rilla.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Well I guess I can still believe in a place called "HOPE" can't I?
Harry T
Willy's Pizza has closed
Oh well...I never got to try it.
Harry T
The other day I was driving on Route 9 in Shrewsbury and the old Tweeds (I'm not sure what it is called now) had a sign out saying Wigwam Pizza...any connection?
Checked out an older post on 4rilla's site.
Neat looking Worcester Airport Police patch on e-bay.
Seen some large collections of fire and law enforcement patches in some restaurants.
Neat find
When CitySquare was first proposed it included a grocery store as one of its retail tenants to service the residential component of their project. With the Bancroft and possibly other residential on Portland Street coupled with the CitySquare residential units I believe this would still be very viable. Let's hope so.
Dewey, as the crow flies less than 1/4 mile from City Sq site is a closed up Shaws. OPened for maybe less than 2 yrs. I dont understand how a Market at City Sq could be projected to be viable. Now if we had some kind of threshold amt. of people living in City Sq....then maybe....but only maybe.....and I am clueless how many it would take living there to sustain a grocery store ( supermarket?)
I could def. see white hen or 7-11 or Honey F's being viable......but I am not so sure a bout a grocery store. My perception has been tha nowadays grocery stores ( excluding littel Bodega's) need to be operated on large scale to be viable
Price Rite on Southbridge Street opens this month.
Super Wal-Mart opens at the old US steel location this year.
Believe there is another large store on Route 146 towards Sutton.
No way will another grocery store go downtown in City Square. Didn't we have a smaller ethnic grocery store chain from Boston commit and then bail from the old Bancrfot Tire location?
You're right I completley forgot about Wally World & Price rite. I also forgot that Walmart was going to be a Super store. I have only been in 2 wally Super storres....both out of state..........unreal the size of them
The one I stopped in PA was just a gasoline stop for me and then I decided to cross the street and got some grub to go from the Wally Deli b/c I was running late....better than gas station hot dogs while on the let us not forget that Super Wallys also have bakery and take too........I am thinking Price Chopper at the old FAir store site on Rte 20 takes a big hit now....let's hope that the mob there on opening day doesnt trample and kill fellow Wally Worlders in an attempt to score a cheapo IPOD or whatever.
We still also have the rumored Stop & Shop at Diamond Chev site...........heard again this afternoon that Diamond is going Auburn Rte 20.
Do me a favor, go visit this Whole Foods store...
Charles River Plaza
Less than a mile northwest
181 Cambridge St
Boston, MA 02114
...and then look me in the eye and tell me it wouldn't work in Worcester! C'mon , I triple dog dare 'ya !!!!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Harry, Pajama people and those with short pants on in the middle of January do not esp. care if their chicken is free range chicken or KFC chicken...nor do they care if their potatoes had pesticides used on them or if chicken ++++ was used a fertilizer.
A store like Whole foods will only have the effect of attracting panhandlers and shopliftres b/c the Cambridge types who freewuent these kinds of stores will always give the panhandler a couple dollars, after which the panhandler will just go into WHole foods looking to buy a pack of butts and end up just adding to the inventoy shrinkage factor....
Comprende' ..???? [g]
Harry I agree with Jahn. We need to get people with money back downtown. Once that happens then a Whole Foods will follow.
Putting a Whole Foods downtown would be suicide.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh but you guys are missing my point... go back a few months ago in the archives and read about bring people with $$$$ into downtown... granted I based it on the locale of the Grafton Street Shaw's location, but the same logic applies...
Harry T
Worcester, MA
aka "NostaTEMBENIS" , Nostradamus' long lost (non)profit cousin ... (not prophet)
I would have gone downtown for the Super 88 Market...
...or for an interesting assortment of ethnic food markets under one roof...
...or even a holiday/ethnic food market say just weekends in Dec. at the train station...
Why don't you move out of Holden and be one of the cats to redefine the urban core of Worcester? You'd be closer to work too!
Save your breath
Bill Randell is another fine product of St. John High School
He was a douche then, and apparently still is!
Bill Daly
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