- Burwick Building
- May Street
- Kilby Street
- Southgate Place
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Answer: L.I.H.......for the sake Of expidiency I suggest with the new yr we now refer to low income housing as LIH
Bill and I trust the sidwwalks at these constr. sites were and hopefully shoveled timely?
If not, let us know on the 10:00 pm trip if they are still unshoveled.
Tank ewe.
Well we're only 2 days into the new year and we already have a letter to the editor (possibly from a firefigther??) telling us everything that FF's do at the scene of of a motor vehicle accident.
One could write the same story about the Umass Life Flight helicopter operator who shuttles the sick to and from Umass. One could write the same story about a trucker who hauls medical supplies cross country to keep the nations hospitals running
Guess what....teh truckers job is a very, very much more dangerous job than a FF'er.
Get over it.....you're doing a job and you're paid extreemly well to do it. No more bragging nor enlightening us about what your work entails. Get out ther and shovel the city sidewalsk that are still covered in snow. We need more 1st responders to these sidewalk emergencies. Bring the fire truck with yoou in the event you get a call to aid a littel old lady who slipped and fell on the ice.
You state "Ff'ers act as 1st responders 100 times a day......"
Is that in Worcester? Is that 100 separate incidents calls per day or is that 4 FF'ers per truck responding to 25 diff. incidents?
The writer should realize that if FF'ers need anything they need a multi-miillion dollars Public relatsions campaign to clean up their public image...and not more yapping & yacking about the job you do.
Sometimes they say its best to keep ones mouth shut, rather than opening it.........
shouldn't it be N-I-H
no - income - housing ??
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