Tonight there is suppose to be a segment on how people buy or rent "low to mod" income housing, rent them out to someone else, and pocket the difference while living somewhere else.
Here is the link, thank Jeff, click here.
Watch the video, the City of Boston does not want to do anything about since they would be violation of the low to mod income requirement and they (the City of Boston) and would have to pay the back any HUD monies that went to this unit on behalf of the person in question. The answers from the lady from the BRA are hillarious.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Here's the link to the story.
Hey Bill - check out this story -
Allegiant vs Direct Air.
In some suburban cmmunities I have heard a dev'er will come in and build a few units..typically duplexes under Chapter 40B........which exepmts them from local zoning control......they keep all the abutters happy (not that they have to) by selling them to local cops, firemen & teachers who typically were/are low income single pay check families when they first start their careers at the public trough............low income at least on their tax returns as firemen rarely report their moonlighting or carry the required insuarnce or pay the required taxes.....
Often there are no deed restrictions on these for profit built low income properties and a few years later the original buyers cash out at a profit and sell to people who tend to be more middle income....all legal.......and it keeps the neighbors happy not to have Paulies Pajama People living in their 'hood.
BTW I have read somewhere not too long ago that the 10% req'ed low income housing in each Mass community can be applied on a REGIONAL Basis (as I understood the article). So if Worc, Holden, Paxton, Shrewsbury, BOYLSTON, W. bOYLSTON, etc dont meet the req'd 10% as a "region".....then a new 40B dev'ment could be built in Worc.......even though Worc has 13.5% (exceeds 10% minimum) Pajama People Housing already.
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