Why not Worcester to Ireland? From BuffaloNews .com, here is a part:
A direct flight to Ireland could be as close as the Niagara Falls International Airport by the end of year. The Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority has begun discussions with Dublin, Ireland-based Ryanair Holdings regarding direct charter flights between the Falls airport and Dublin Airport.
The NFTA’s Director of Aviation William Vanacek met with Ryanair representatives in Dublin on Friday to talk about the international air link. “The really encouraging thing is that they sought us out and wanted to talk,” said NFTA Chairman Gregory Stamm. “We’ve got our fingers crossed because they are a big player over there and landing them would open a lot of doors for us
just picked up tickets for Eire end of July...Aer Lingus for me!
Ryanair is big in Ireland...cheap flights all over Europe..
The Big Red Bird flew over the house an hour or so ago..very cool watching it go on by..may have to look into a flight to FLA to see my pal Jack
"Why not Worcester to Ireland?"
Runway length.
that answers that
nOT TO STEAL THE TOPIC FROM another thread but was it in Fridays's paper that I saw no one bid the RFP to provide bar/ restaurant/whatever/etc services at Greenhill Gold Course??
T&G reports the bid requires the bidder to obtain a liquor license (assuming they dont have one already?).
Has the city "put aside" an available license for Greenhiil and all the bidder has to do is have a "clean record" and they will automatically get the license...............or in fact is there no licesne "set aside" fro Greenhill and successful bidder will have to start from square one to obtian a license???
Now maybe I am missing something here .......Now ask yourself......who in their right mind is going to bid this if they have to out and get a license in order to be the successful bidder....b/c who's to know if they will be successful or not...esp given all the politics that surrounding G.Hill liqour license?
Again If I am understanding this corrctly.........I cannot poss. comprehend how anyone could be expected to bid this thing........then add in the kicker of a restuarant/bar business in this uncertain economy ????.......b/c if cant get the license you then lose your bid deposit of how much????
I suggest to you that City of Worc is clueless as to what it takes to run a business when they put together some of these RFP bids................witness the 4 acre parcel RFP at Airport as being in a similar vein......yes, we had 1 bidder..............but just like Pharamsphere or City Sq..... (or even Mason Winfield LIH)...(or even Masssport takover of Airport)the entire deal is hold right now
Does anyone see a common theme with progress in this city.....hold ups...delays....uncertainties......unrealistic bid specs.........
Also, even if they had a bider(s) at Green Hill..........gold seaosn is only 3 months away ...not a heck of lot of lead time to obtain a Liqour license and get a restaurant bar up & running ........even if the facilty/physical plant is already there for such an operation.
Pualie....a how about a Green Hill Marathon in '09???..........how much lead time do you need..........plus minimal cops required b/c it will be run in GH where there's less/no city streets to contend with.........and/or take Pualie Poloooza out of teh 'hood and up to GH in conjunction with your GH Marathon...???
Paulie said..."may have to look into a flight to FLA to see my pal Jack"
Just make sure you don't say "Hi" to him at the airport !!!
Harry T
I wondered about this also..but before we hang the city high..we should get the answer Senor Jahn
how does one get a copy of an RFP
that one went oavh my head Harry T???
Paulie its on teh city website on home page click on bids......thenn closed bids ...... it's the 3rd one.............i was unable to open it or C&P it
I have been also trying to get a copy of new snow & ice ordinance of which about 99% of the sidewalks in city are now (Jan 10th) in violation of and will continue to be in violation of until we get a couple days above 30 or so with sunshine.
So whay arent we ticketing all these sidewalks....my point being thsi entire re write of the ordinance is a load of bovine fecal matter.....I mean why even bother.......more posing for the cameras at council meetings is all I can think of...............
There are times in winter when it's impossible or dam near impossible to get ice of sidewlaks....I need a Cat D-9 Dozer to get the ice off.....and there's the little matter of the city streets which are in even worse shape as far as ice goes than the SW's are.
This is what just ++++es me off about what I see out of city hall......
enforce the G.D thing or get it odd the city law books
Abandoned Building Ordinance is another one that is not enforced
Paulie...can you picture yourself in an airport and while spotting your friend yell out "Hi Jack !!!"
Harry T
Worcester, MA
in 2002..my buddy and I parked our Dublin rental car in front of Belfast City Hall and left to go take a piss at the department store across the way..also exchange some euros for a few quid...a few moments later..PSNI busted into the stall my buddy was in and they grabbed me in line trying to exchange money..and our car was being towed:>(
So I have learned to nevah yell "Hi Jack" in an airport..folks take certain thinks real serious
Good one Paulie you toe-tappah
"Why not Worcester to Irleand
Runway Length"
Rynnair runs 737-800 which would make in and out of worcester no problem, and they have. That type of plane would have no problem making the distance from worcester to ireland.
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