Click here for story. In particular:
Another group that has stepped forward in recent years and is playing an increasing role in keeping an eye on the city government is the local “blogosphere” — citizen journalists who write about what is going on in their city government on blogs they have created. Worcester has some very interesting, informative and entertaining bloggers out there.
Not only do they break government-related news on more than a few occasions, but they also offer some pretty interesting analysis and in-depth reporting on issues. There are some who dismiss the bloggers’ efforts because they feel their reporting is biased and suited to promote their particular agendas, but let’s be honest, newspapers have had agendas, too.
The growth of local talk radio and blog reporting underscores the fact there are people around who feel there is a need for greater scrutiny of their city government. As transparent as the city government has become, it doesn’t mean much if there aren’t people scrutinizing the information and reporting on it. Somehow, that news has to get out to the public, whether the traditional media is going to do it or not.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Are you a "citizen journalist" Bill?
I think we all are to a degree. Honestly try to back up anything that I say on my blog with links to facts. In fact I would challenge anyone to find anything that is not factual.
At the same time I do put up unsubstantianted rumors, but try to even tag them with the "rumor mill" or "I heard". Jeff, check out the 1st comment someone (always anonymous) put on Nick K story today.
I am a mere shoveler of the World's Dung
Lots of people looking at this I think thsi is the one blog that deals the most with municipal issues...and dare I say with a critical eye, too.
Nothing like a Public internet listing from the city tax collectors office to out tax scofflaws...............nothing like cell phone
cameras to out snow shoveling deadbeats.........
Ten think that soon there may not even be a T&G ??????? the question then becomes......what city blog will replace the T&G for print news & commentary??...........or maybe the T&G goes 100% cyber??
Viva la silly bloggahs !!!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
If the T&G were to shut down today, half the links on my blog would break.
Nick's article really points out how much the local news coverage has shrunk over the years, and it's not being filled back in by any of us, here in the Worcester Blogosphere... Not by anyone's standards. So the first commenter to the article may rankle with the way he's characterizing us, but let's face it, we're not working for noose-papers here. We're not even writing news.
In fact, where I come down on Nick's article is this tunnel vision view of the local blogosphere as a bunch of "citizen journalists" and that this somehow fits into the news-gathering traditions as seen by the paper people... I mean, that angle just basically doesn't even enter into why I blog.
I do not pretend to be anyone's bible of information....blogging is similiar to sitting around a pub talking smack ovah a few are involved with any kind of meaningful communicaion today...nowadays pubs have 10 TV' machines, Keno, waitress'es with skimpy outfits..everything necessary to keep folks interested cause they have no idea how to talk to each other anymore..I watch couples walking around Elm Park and the Charles River all the time and each one has headphones on-no one talkes to each other anymore.
What does Nick K or Mr. Nemeth have on any of us other than they perhaps can put a sentence together with proper structure?? I haven't read anything groundbreaking from either one lately..I enjoy reading both for local info they can dig up because of their credentials but thats about it.
Today's "T&G Local section was woefully skinny...I'll probably not buy another one.
WOMAG is still where I go for an interesting local read..
What strikes me more then anything is that when the Telegram shoud be investing in more local reporters like Diane, Nick and Shaun they seem to be doing the opposite.
Well, okay, ...maybe Paulie isn't anyone's bible of information, but he's definitely the encyclopedia of "what is it".
Wormy and Harry T have lately been going right ovah my head..did Wormy say something nice about me Senor Jahn
I am not sure there Paulie..............i have to catch up on a few of the blogs the last few could anyone not say anything nice about you Pualie......... that pic on your site of you on the that the Walgreeens at Park & Chandler.............or is that a younger day photo.
Paulie, I need to borrow your snow shoes to navigate ALL these unshoveld sidewlaks.....I walked 4 miles last night....holy God some of these streets are an absolute mess too.............same streets every winter it seems. This Sidewalk ord. is such a load of BS.......never/hardly enforced........why do these 11 so called councilors waste their time with this baloney.
Jeff I'll be giving you a report on Buckimgham later today...... i have suspicion you may need to ride by again...............comprende'??????
Yeah, well, Jahn... the City Councilors (all three of them) that actually have public sidewalks to shovel after every snowstorm had two chances to comply.
The Mayor got 100%, Gary Rosen got 50%, and Phil Palmieri got a big zero...
And when it comes to liking Paulie, his blog, and his comments on other blogs, as well as saying nice things about him, how could anybody who's actually met him say a bad word? It's just impossible! The man has a gift!
that was me calling in my numbers while I was on vacation in Manchester Center, Vermont a few years back...the ole lady at the time caught me...I though she was off shopping:>)
I have only been tough one time when I called that Pappy guy a loser..over all I think I am fair guy...who ever said debate was for a quiet man??
Here ya go, Jahn: a nice little YouTube Video clip of what Phil's sidewalk looked like today (1-12-09) around 5 pm.
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